
31 March 2010

Gold Glam

My Shop-it-to-Me email seems to be feeling quite gold and glitzy today, and I just had to pass the sparkle along! The best part? All of these lovelies are on sale from Kate Spade (and one Michael Kors). 
Kate Spade Wallet
Who wouldn't want this shimmering beauty to hold their credit cards and cash?

Kate Spade Bow Gloves
Perhaps they can't be worn until next winter, but at a discount these are good enough to save!
Michael Kors
These drivers will spice up any girl's look and put some pep in her step.
Kate Spade flower ring
LOVE floral statement jewelery, and this ring is no exception.

Kate Spade Coral Reef set
These beauties make me crave summer and sand BADLY.

Kate Spade rose bracelet
If only roses bloomed in gold...

Have a glamorously gold day!


30 March 2010

Meet My Pink Box

After a wonderful weekend, I am back to blogland with lots of updates! I came home from work on Friday to find that my Pink Box had arrived from Paris... hooray! Let me tell you, the fabrics are even more gorgeous in person than I had imagined and I was blown away by the presentation of Thatchers'. The box was tied with a white ribbon, beautifully packaged, and included with the fabric swatches was a note from Bethany (thank you!), a note from Becky (thank you, thank you!), and information about the company, it's designers, and it's fabrics. I cannot say enough about the quality, beauty, and customer care of Thatchers' - you simply must experience it yourself. Absolutely breathtaking. Without further ado, I present to you my Pink Box and it's lovely contents (drumroll please): 

Absolutely divine, oui? In more exciting news, we met with our florist on Saturday to discuss wedding details and the squares are the perfect size to wrap around the stems of the girls' bouquets! Each girl will have a different pink and green Thatchers' fabric wrapped around their green hydrangeas, and I will have the fabric wrapped around my pink hydrangea bouquet. I cannot contain my bridal excitement. We also talked about centerpieces, and they are going to be breathtaking... I cannot wait to show you pictures so you can share my vision.  

Before our trip to the florist, we met with our wedding coordinator for our Phase 2 meeting. A couple of hours and 7 pages of questions later, I feel like everything is coming together and we are getting closer and closer to our dream day (less than 5 months to go!). After a hard day's work of wedding planning, we spent the remainder of the afternoon and evening at our favorite spot sipping bellinis (me) and wine (Fiancé) in the tavern, eating a delicious dinner, and finishing the night with cappuccinos by the fire. All in all, the perfect day in the life of an affianced pair.  


26 March 2010

Photo Friday

I want this...
instead of this...


25 March 2010

Thursday Thoughts

- Is it just me, or is no one idol-worthy on American Idol this season? Sure, I think Casey and Didi can sing, and Katie is adorable, but I feel a big void in the WOW factor department. To quote Enid Frick a la "Splat!" episode of SATC, the talent pool is "very small, it's a wading pool actually."
- I just looked at my Outlook calendar and realized I have no meetings today. *Happy dance*
- I am working on a project for our European divisions, and I am now thinking in 7 languages... "Weder zufrieden noch unzufrieden"... does this make me fluent in Danish German? (Since I don't know which language I'm speaking... no???)
- Lots of wedding events going on this weekend - extreme excitement and updates to come. 
- J Crew new arrivals email in my inbox = happy girl.
- It was 70 degrees last weekend, and now it might SNOW tonight? Mother Nature, please don't rain or snow on my parade.
- Did you know: a study at Tufts shows that a person is more generous and friendly when holding a cup of coffee/warm beverage in their hand? (Random radio fun fact.) Must take a caffeine break now...


24 March 2010

Lovely Leather

This beauty is now sitting proudly in the living room, waiting for other furniture and pretty decorations to join it.  It is the Barclay Chesterfield loveseat from Restoration Hardware,and it was our first major purchase to decorate our newlywed home. It is exactly what we were looking for (LOVE the classic lines and elegant look of a Chesterfield), and Fiancé and I are both completely obsessed. I am envisioning a pale pink and white damask chair, white end tables, our maps of London and Paris on the walls, and a big sweeping very Parisian curtain for the large window that spans the entire front wall. When my Pink Box is delivered, this vision might change to a neutral chair/long bench under the big window with pretty accent pillows in my new gorgeous fabrics and curtains to match!  Pictures of the finished product to come when the room is finally complete!  Please be patient... this might take some time...  


23 March 2010

Socialite Status

I've been crowned a Socialite by GlitteristaWhat girl wouldn't be thrilled with a crown and such a fabulous title? Thanks so much, lovely! Let's get started...

The Official Preppy Mafia are taking over the world one monogram at a time.

The rules:

Click on the above button and paste onto your blog/website. Answer the below questions. Pass onto 10 bloggers that you LOVE, go to their blog and let them know they've been tagged.

1. Who is your style icon? Audrey Hepburn - such a classic beauty.  And her wardrobe in Breakfast at Tiffany's? To die.

2. What is your favorite socialite lit book? Bergdorf Blondes by Plum Sykes - I have read it so many times the pages are beginning to fall out!

3. Favorite party theme? Kentucky Derby - bring on the Lilly, sundresses, and big hats! (Also Breakfast at Tiffany's coctail party with LBDs and pearls, but that would be overkill... yes?)  

4. Go to Halloween costume? I was Holly Golightly this past Halloween... are we sensing a theme here?

5. Extravagance you cannot live without? Summer weekends on the boat with Fiancé - totally our guilty pleasure.

6. Living person you admire?  My mother - I'm amazed by her selflessness and patience.

7. Greatest Fear? Spiders or snakes - ewww!

8. Trait you deplore in yourself? My sensitivity - I can be SUCH a girl sometimes. ;)

9. Which talent would you most like to have? The ability to sketch and sew so I could become a designer - what a dream job!

10. Greatest Achievement? Finding the love of my life and making him my husband this summer!

I tag all of my followers as socialites since you are all so fabulous and brighten my day - I adore you all! Do play!


22 March 2010

Monday Already?

I'm sure I'm not alone as I find myself sitting at my desk wondering, "how can it be Monday already AGAIN?!?!" We had an absolutely gorgeous weekend here, and it was oh-so nice to see the sun shining and spend some time outside! Friday after work, I surprised Fiancé at his office so we could spend as much of the gorgeous day together as possible (It was 75 degrees when I left the office at 3, and we New Englanders cherish our nice days when we get them). We sipped wine at the yacht club on the deck, walked around town, had dinner overlooking the ocean, and ended the night at a quaint Italian restaurant to enjoy cappuccino and creme brulee - delicioso! Saturday morning began with a walk into town to get breakfast, a long walk, a run to the beach, and finally sipping mimosas on the lawn into the evening. Sigh. Why can't it be Saturday all over again? Yesterday was a little on the chillier side, but still sunny - a beautiful day for a baby shower and my brother's birthday party (and of course a Lilly wrap dress!).  I can only hope this weekend goes by as quickly as my fleeting weekend did.
Today is only in the mid 40s - see why I take full advantage of beautiful Spring days when they come along? - but I'm still wearing these in the office.  Are black patent-leather peep-toe mary janes jumping the gun for March 22nd? 

20 March 2010

Spring has Sprung!

Happy first day of Spring! I hope you are enjoying a little sunshine today, and what better way to celebrate the start to Spring than with Lilly? 
The Linda Marie just screams Spring! And don't you just ADORE those rosettes? Sigh.


19 March 2010

Photo Friday: Spring (Almost) Edition

It is finally warming up here, and this girl has a case of Spring Fever! This weekend is supposed to be beautiful, tomorrow is the first official day of Spring, and Fiancé and I CANNOT wait to get the boat back in the water. Soooo, for this Photo Friday, I'm sending a little sunshine to all of you with a picture of our harbor (taken last summer... sadly the boats have been replaced by winter sticks at the moment). Bring on the sun! 


18 March 2010

Jackie O: Fashion Icon

Today with the sun shining bright and Spring in the air, I am channeling Jackie O with my silver trench and big, black sunglasses. (And it is FINALLY warm enough to wear a dress without tights - hooray!) Welcome Spring - we've been waiting for you!
Enjoy the sunshine lovelies!


17 March 2010

Kiss Me, I'm Wearing Lilly!

What better way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day than with Lilly's Later Gator Sandals?
Have a fabulously green (and a little pink) day! XO


16 March 2010

Father of the Bride

As a wedding-loving little girl, Father of the Bride was is one of my favorite movies. My 7-year-old-self would dream of my very own wedding day exactly like Annie Banks'. I even imagined myself as a 22-year-old bride for most of my childhood because of this very movie (22 seemed SO OLD - my how things change as you grow up!). This past Sunday, I was craving some FOTB, so Fiancé and I watched the movie with my parents... I was shocked by my 26-year-old bride-to-be reaction. Basically, I cried for the better part of the 2 hours that the movie lasted. Opening scene where George talks about losing his little girl: tears. The montage of pictures in his head of his little girl as a baby and growing up: more tears.
I had completely forgotten that they played My Girl during this scene. (This happens to be the song my dad sang to me as a little girl AND the song that we will dance to for the Father/Daughter dance... cue more sobbing. I don't think there was a dry eye in the house during this scene.)
Don't you just adore Franc? Love that accent! (And love him for providing some comic relief between the sobs... THANK YOU, MARTIN.) 
Ever since our engagement, I have cried at the walk-down-the-aisle-moment in movies... this was no exception. Now, please don't write me off as the crazy crying bride (despite the mounting pile of evidence). I could not be more excited about my upcoming wedding and spending the rest of my life with my best friend and the man of my dreams. I get so emotional because I have been dreaming of this day since I first saw Father of the Bride or even before, and all of my dreams are coming true. (I cannot even explain the excitement when I picture the details of the day, doodle my new married name, or think about our new life as husband and wife.) But even though I am all grown up and a lady, there is a part of me that will always be Daddy's Little Girl. How are we EVER going to make it down the aisle (the Church has a loooong aisle) and through My Girl sans tears?

Are any of you other brides-to-be super emotional too?


15 March 2010

Two Reasons to Celebrate!

It is a dreary rainy day here, but this girl is in the most sunny mood! That is because I have TWO reasons to celebrate! 1. Our engagement announcement appeared in two of the local newspapers yesterday. There was something so exciting about seeing our picture and announcement in print, and we are still basking in our local celebrity status (who knows how long it will take for the excitement to wear off... it could be a little while). 

2. I am the winner of Maryland Pink and Green's Thatcher's Fine Timeless Fabric giveaway!  Pink and green AND from Paris?  These fabrics have my name written all over them (just like Lilly's name is written in her fabrics!).  Look at this picture... is this not TO DIE?  These fabrics are made in France exclusively for Thatcher's, and I absolutely cannot wait to incorporate them into my pink and green wedding and into our newlywed home!  The ring bearer's pillow, the flower girl's basket, wrapped around our bouquets, an accent chair for the living room, pillows throughout the home... the possibilites are endless! You simply must visit Thatcher's Fine Timeless Fabric and see these lovely fabrics for yourself.

I CANNOT wait to receive my "Pink Box" in the mail and see these gorgeous fabrics in person! A huge thank you with sprinkles on top to Bethany and Becky for such a fabulous giveaway!
I hope you are all having just as fabulous of a Monday! XO


12 March 2010

Photo Friday

Can you ever have too many diamonds? Or too many photos of one diamond in particular? Yesterday I was showing a friend photos from my trip to Italy on facebook, and we came across my summer album which largely revolved around boat trips and photos solely dedicated to my diamond ring. The weekend that Fiancé proposed, we went away on the boat and I just had to take a picture of my newly sparkling finger next to the chart of wherever we went. This obsession continued for the remainder of the summer, which resulted in an excessive amount a LOT of pictures resembling the one above. In my defense, what girl isn't completely obsessed with her engagement ring, right? Diamonds are a girl's best friend, but have I taken my best friend to a new slightly crazy/annoyingly clingy bff level?  (I ask as I stare at my left ring finger with my head tilted to the side...)


11 March 2010

Closeted Obsessions

One of our home projects before newlywed bliss and the great move in extravaganza ensues is my Wardrobing Room. Yes, I am getting a wardrobing room in Fiancé's house - tres lucky girl! I know there are several elements I want in this room: chandelier, vanity, antique full-length mirror, a shoe wall, and plenty of hanging space. Anytime I see a picture of a beautiful closet, I save it to my decorating inspiration archives. I cannot remember where I found these images (if any of these are your pictures, pretty-please-with-a-cherry-on-top don't sue!), but aren't they completely drool-worthy?  

Chandelier, sitting area, and multiple changing/display areas? Mariah Carey can do closets right.
In case you need further proof, I present to you: Mariah's shoe collection. I rest my case.
Chandelier, pink, and vanity? Yes please!
Pink shoe wall? Perfection.
Neverending shoe shelves and Louis Vuitton trunks? Heaven.

Here's hoping my wardrobing room is as fabulous as these lovelies. Pictures to come in about six months when it is complete!


10 March 2010

Pink, Green, and Tiffany Blue

What is pink, and green, and Tiffany blue? Gerard Yosca jewelry on sale at Gilt Group as I type! The stones, the details, the colors - these pieces are to die. These steals end tomorrow at midnight, so jump on these lovelies now! (If you are not already a Gilt member and would like an invitation, let me know and I will be happy to share the shopping love.)


09 March 2010

"You want Wedding, you go Wang"

Wedding china, that is! I am absolutely in love with our fine china set that we registered for by the one and only Vera Wang. It is the imperial scroll pattern, and it will look just darling with our Vera Wang flatware. I know many modern couples view fine china as a thing of the past and may forgo this registry staple, but I am a girl who loves tradition! I love the formality and sentimentality of classic wedding china, whether it is used for anniversary dinners, dinner parties, or holiday gatherings. And (as Anthony Marantino so succintly phrased) what girl could resist adding some Vera Wang to her wedding?


08 March 2010

Weekend & Wedding Updates

1. Our Save-the-Dates are in the mail as of this morning! Silent squeal and happy dance at desk.
2. We attended our pre-cana marriage prep course at the Church on Saturday. It was such a wonderful day, and we both found the program to be very helpful and a positive experience.
3. Update on last Monday's meeting of THE gown: the dress that arrived will not be the actual dress that I will wear to walk down the aisle. Apparently I am much taller than the average size 0 bride, so a new custom-made gown is now being made to prevent any wardrobe malfunctions on the big day. Couture wedding gown? Yes please!
4. My professional-shopper-future-mother-in-law found Lilly ties for the dads and ring bearers to wear! I cannot wait to see all the options she found and pick out the perfect one!  (Updates to come once said task is accomplished.)
5. Our engagement announcement and photo has been submitted to all of the local papers... I will be crazily incessantly checking the papers until the day it is published and we can bask in our brief local fame.


05 March 2010

Foto Friday

Back by popular demand! (ie. my own desire to relive my trip to Italy and look at pretty pictures) Here is the second Italian installment of Foto Friday: Positano. If I close my eyes and try hard enough, I can almost feel the sun and hear the waves crashing... almost.

Have a fabulous weekend!


04 March 2010

Crazy about Kate Spade

FREE Kate Spade at that! This lovely piece could be all yours by entering Allison's giveaway at Smart and Sassy with Sprinkles. The gorgeous bold colors, the classic design, the functionality (mini handbag, wallet, and wristlet in one)... I could go on and on. Kate Spade will always hold a spot on my top favorite designers list.


03 March 2010

My Father, the Hero

Does anyone remember this movie? This was one of my absolute favorites growing up. After all, Katherine Heigl seemed so mature (14 is OLD when you are 10) and her clothes were to die (exhibit a: this floral babydoll number in the picture above - so glad my fashion sense has matured as I have). And who doesn't love Gerard Depardieu's accent? And the fairy-tale-ending-girl-gets-boy-first-kiss-on-the-beach? (Give Katherine another goddess point from my 10-year-old self.) I digress.
Here is a story about my own father coming to the rescue and being my real-life Gerard (slightly less French and much less chubby). This morning as I got into my car (coffee, heels, and Louis in hand) I noticed an interesting hoseshoe-like light lit on my dash. Odd, I have never seen this one before. After driving one block, I could tell there was something wrong beyond the sprinkling of snow on the road. Pull over, call Daddy. When he does not pick up his cell, I decide this girl has to take some action and get out of the car... sure enough, the front right tire is flat. Sigh. Get back into car, call Daddy again - voicemail AGAIN. You see, while the normal American citizen would call AAA in such a time of need, I call my father. He is my Mr. Fix-It, mechanic, shoe cobbler, home repair man, tennis partner, and personal comedian. Whatever the problem may be, my dad is the man for the job (except when he doesn't answer can't hear his cell phone). This time, Mom comes to the rescue as she works a couple of blocks away from my apartment. Go Team Mom and Dad! I take her car to work, leaving my disabled vehicle for my father to attend to once he gets home after his meetings (I FINALLY got through on my fifth frantic attempt at calling him - I curse aging and hearing loss). By the time I get home from work, I will have a car with four brand new tires waiting for me. Ah, my hero!


Hi, Pandora

Yes, I am still here listening. Please stop pausing my listening pleasure to continuously check on me in such a needy manner. I know I have not given you constant positive reinforcement by clicking the "like it" button after each song that I adore (like the old-school Paula Abdul I was rocking out to until you so rudely stopped), but I do have a job after all. Let's set up a schedule where you make me bop in my chair without interruption from 9-5, capiche?

Love, your devoted listener


02 March 2010

This one's for you, Fiancé

And a little something for me too. Relationships are all about compromise, after all, right?
When I saw this photo on Grey Likes Weddings, I immediately gasped and had to save this picture to the Pink Champagne photo archives. You see, Fiancé is absolutely obsessed with the Marais chairs pictured here. We bought two as accent chairs/bookends for our new dining room table (our first major home decorating purchase for our newlywed home). A little history on these - they are French bistro chairs that you see in cafés ALL OVER Paris. When we went to Paris, aka the most fabulous city in the world/my Mecca, we stayed in the Marais district. Totally meant to be, right? They are sold at one of Fiancé's favorite furniture stores, Design Within Reach, and were originally used on French battleships (= bonus boy points). Here is the description on the site:

The epitome of French café life, it’s rumored that Xavier Pauchard’s Marais A Chair (1934) was created for use in the weather forecasting room on a battleship. We asked the manufacturer about this, but even their records are unclear. Still, we do know that after its possible time at sea, the Marais was supplied to bars and brasseries by breweries in exchange for selling their beer. This arrangement ended in the 1970s, but that didn’t stop the demand for these durable chairs and stools made in France. Crafted of sheet steel, the Marais A is available in varnished gunmetal grey. Slight surface abrasions and markings are characteristic of the material and part of its hardworking machine aesthetic. Rubber feet prevent damage to floors. The Marais Collection includes the A56 Chair, designed by Pauchard’s son in 1956. These pieces will stand up to the rigors of public use, but should be protected from wet weather conditions to maintain the finish. Stackable up to 10 high. Made in France.

Now, I said a little something for me too, right? Well, I love the chairs too, I adore Paris, and the picture has a gorgeous chandelier and pink place settings (= major bonus points for this girl). A true match made in heaven.


01 March 2010

Bridal Bliss

MY WEDDING DRESS IS HERE! The very dress I will be wearing in one day less than 6 month as I walk down the aisle and make the magical transition from Miss to Mrs! The dress that will fit me perfectly and not have to be clipped to death in the back with all those dress clips used for the sample dresses. The dress that I will dance the night away in with my fiancé-turned-husband and that he will spin me around in. The dress that will be photographed endlessly and I will spend countless hours staring at admiring its' beauty. THE DRESS I have been dreaming of since I was a little girl. It is here, and I get to try it on tonight. EEEK!
