
08 March 2010

Weekend & Wedding Updates

1. Our Save-the-Dates are in the mail as of this morning! Silent squeal and happy dance at desk.
2. We attended our pre-cana marriage prep course at the Church on Saturday. It was such a wonderful day, and we both found the program to be very helpful and a positive experience.
3. Update on last Monday's meeting of THE gown: the dress that arrived will not be the actual dress that I will wear to walk down the aisle. Apparently I am much taller than the average size 0 bride, so a new custom-made gown is now being made to prevent any wardrobe malfunctions on the big day. Couture wedding gown? Yes please!
4. My professional-shopper-future-mother-in-law found Lilly ties for the dads and ring bearers to wear! I cannot wait to see all the options she found and pick out the perfect one!  (Updates to come once said task is accomplished.)
5. Our engagement announcement and photo has been submitted to all of the local papers... I will be crazily incessantly checking the papers until the day it is published and we can bask in our brief local fame.



  1. how fabulous.... it's officially, official!!! :-)

  2. Yey! You're getting so much done! I was pretty excited about having our engagement announcement in our local paper too!

  3. Sounds like everything is coming together! lilly ties will be perfect for your warm weather bash!

  4. sounds great! yay! i like our pre-cana except that it was in a scary party of dallas! yikes!


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