
23 March 2010

Socialite Status

I've been crowned a Socialite by GlitteristaWhat girl wouldn't be thrilled with a crown and such a fabulous title? Thanks so much, lovely! Let's get started...

The Official Preppy Mafia are taking over the world one monogram at a time.

The rules:

Click on the above button and paste onto your blog/website. Answer the below questions. Pass onto 10 bloggers that you LOVE, go to their blog and let them know they've been tagged.

1. Who is your style icon? Audrey Hepburn - such a classic beauty.  And her wardrobe in Breakfast at Tiffany's? To die.

2. What is your favorite socialite lit book? Bergdorf Blondes by Plum Sykes - I have read it so many times the pages are beginning to fall out!

3. Favorite party theme? Kentucky Derby - bring on the Lilly, sundresses, and big hats! (Also Breakfast at Tiffany's coctail party with LBDs and pearls, but that would be overkill... yes?)  

4. Go to Halloween costume? I was Holly Golightly this past Halloween... are we sensing a theme here?

5. Extravagance you cannot live without? Summer weekends on the boat with Fiancé - totally our guilty pleasure.

6. Living person you admire?  My mother - I'm amazed by her selflessness and patience.

7. Greatest Fear? Spiders or snakes - ewww!

8. Trait you deplore in yourself? My sensitivity - I can be SUCH a girl sometimes. ;)

9. Which talent would you most like to have? The ability to sketch and sew so I could become a designer - what a dream job!

10. Greatest Achievement? Finding the love of my life and making him my husband this summer!

I tag all of my followers as socialites since you are all so fabulous and brighten my day - I adore you all! Do play!



  1. SUPER cute Blog!!!! Love your banner!
    Thanks for being in the Preppy Mafia!



Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO