
12 March 2010

Photo Friday

Can you ever have too many diamonds? Or too many photos of one diamond in particular? Yesterday I was showing a friend photos from my trip to Italy on facebook, and we came across my summer album which largely revolved around boat trips and photos solely dedicated to my diamond ring. The weekend that Fiancé proposed, we went away on the boat and I just had to take a picture of my newly sparkling finger next to the chart of wherever we went. This obsession continued for the remainder of the summer, which resulted in an excessive amount a LOT of pictures resembling the one above. In my defense, what girl isn't completely obsessed with her engagement ring, right? Diamonds are a girl's best friend, but have I taken my best friend to a new slightly crazy/annoyingly clingy bff level?  (I ask as I stare at my left ring finger with my head tilted to the side...)


1 comment:

  1. oh hun, with a gorgeous ring like that i would've done the same thing!! btw i have the strangest problems posting comments on your blog...i really try and comment on every post and it never saves!!


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