
22 March 2010

Monday Already?

I'm sure I'm not alone as I find myself sitting at my desk wondering, "how can it be Monday already AGAIN?!?!" We had an absolutely gorgeous weekend here, and it was oh-so nice to see the sun shining and spend some time outside! Friday after work, I surprised FiancĂ© at his office so we could spend as much of the gorgeous day together as possible (It was 75 degrees when I left the office at 3, and we New Englanders cherish our nice days when we get them). We sipped wine at the yacht club on the deck, walked around town, had dinner overlooking the ocean, and ended the night at a quaint Italian restaurant to enjoy cappuccino and creme brulee - delicioso! Saturday morning began with a walk into town to get breakfast, a long walk, a run to the beach, and finally sipping mimosas on the lawn into the evening. Sigh. Why can't it be Saturday all over again? Yesterday was a little on the chillier side, but still sunny - a beautiful day for a baby shower and my brother's birthday party (and of course a Lilly wrap dress!).  I can only hope this weekend goes by as quickly as my fleeting weekend did.
Today is only in the mid 40s - see why I take full advantage of beautiful Spring days when they come along? - but I'm still wearing these in the office.  Are black patent-leather peep-toe mary janes jumping the gun for March 22nd? 


  1. what a romantic weekend! and yes, it was gorgeous! are you wearing the lilly wrap? peep toes are fine by me! im in a preppy pink/white/orange lilly too -- with pink ballet flats. 40s be gone! I've been teased by spring, and i'm dressing like it!

  2. I love those shoes, they are too cute! If you don't mind me asking...where did you find them??

  3. had me at "We sipped wine at the yacht club on the deck..." How romantic and fun! Wish I could have been there to toast a glass to you two! :) Happy Monday!

  4. The Lilly wrap and those shoes together? Perfect!

    Hope the week does go by as quickly as your wonderful weekend!

  5. I also tagged you on my blog!! You're a socialite! :)

  6. I know! The weather is so fickle--you must enjoy it when you can! I agree--peep toes are perfect for this time of year. They're not as warm-weather-y as sandals, but more fun than pumps.

  7. I feel the same way about the weekends! Especially when they are as nice as this past one was (and I completely know where you are coming from because I live in New England too). I love those shoes as well, very cute!

  8. Ohhhhhhh lady, peep toes are appropriate anytime. I rocked them at NYFW with tights...and it was definitely cooold then!


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