
30 March 2010

Meet My Pink Box

After a wonderful weekend, I am back to blogland with lots of updates! I came home from work on Friday to find that my Pink Box had arrived from Paris... hooray! Let me tell you, the fabrics are even more gorgeous in person than I had imagined and I was blown away by the presentation of Thatchers'. The box was tied with a white ribbon, beautifully packaged, and included with the fabric swatches was a note from Bethany (thank you!), a note from Becky (thank you, thank you!), and information about the company, it's designers, and it's fabrics. I cannot say enough about the quality, beauty, and customer care of Thatchers' - you simply must experience it yourself. Absolutely breathtaking. Without further ado, I present to you my Pink Box and it's lovely contents (drumroll please): 

Absolutely divine, oui? In more exciting news, we met with our florist on Saturday to discuss wedding details and the squares are the perfect size to wrap around the stems of the girls' bouquets! Each girl will have a different pink and green Thatchers' fabric wrapped around their green hydrangeas, and I will have the fabric wrapped around my pink hydrangea bouquet. I cannot contain my bridal excitement. We also talked about centerpieces, and they are going to be breathtaking... I cannot wait to show you pictures so you can share my vision.  

Before our trip to the florist, we met with our wedding coordinator for our Phase 2 meeting. A couple of hours and 7 pages of questions later, I feel like everything is coming together and we are getting closer and closer to our dream day (less than 5 months to go!). After a hard day's work of wedding planning, we spent the remainder of the afternoon and evening at our favorite spot sipping bellinis (me) and wine (FiancĂ©) in the tavern, eating a delicious dinner, and finishing the night with cappuccinos by the fire. All in all, the perfect day in the life of an affianced pair.  



  1. What an adorable idea to use the fabric for your bridesmaids bouquets! I just love reliving wedding planning through you, it is so much FUN hearing about all your amazing details! Can't wait to see pics sweetie!

  2. gorgeous. Gorgeous. GORGEOUS! What a creative way to use the fabric -- cant wait to see how it all comes together!

  3. I think the bouquets are going to look great! Looking forward to seeing what you have planned for your centerpieces! I love that you're also enjoying the planning process! :)

  4. Those are my favorite kind of nights with my fiance ;)

  5. I know I love her, doing my guest room in all of her fabrics. xoxo

  6. Bonjour Pink Champagne!
    I have just read your very kind and thoughtful post, and words cannot express how happy you have made me! Because we are such a small and intimate company, but very special, I insisted on having the presentation of our tissu reflect our business philosophy. Our goal was to provide to each recipient of our "Pink Box" with a wonderful first impression, and beautifully acquaint them with our nonpareil, brilliantly colorful fabric.
    Small celebrations when reaching each goal along the way make the journey worthwhile! And, I love your fabulous use of the squares! It will be perfect! Please let me know if you need fabric for anything else! How incredibly fun! I would love pictures!
    Dans le tissu rose et vert,
    Tu amie,

  7. These fabrics are SO beautiful! I'm so excited for your wedding just reading about the details! xx


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