
25 March 2010

Thursday Thoughts

- Is it just me, or is no one idol-worthy on American Idol this season? Sure, I think Casey and Didi can sing, and Katie is adorable, but I feel a big void in the WOW factor department. To quote Enid Frick a la "Splat!" episode of SATC, the talent pool is "very small, it's a wading pool actually."
- I just looked at my Outlook calendar and realized I have no meetings today. *Happy dance*
- I am working on a project for our European divisions, and I am now thinking in 7 languages... "Weder zufrieden noch unzufrieden"... does this make me fluent in Danish German? (Since I don't know which language I'm speaking... no???)
- Lots of wedding events going on this weekend - extreme excitement and updates to come. 
- J Crew new arrivals email in my inbox = happy girl.
- It was 70 degrees last weekend, and now it might SNOW tonight? Mother Nature, please don't rain or snow on my parade.
- Did you know: a study at Tufts shows that a person is more generous and friendly when holding a cup of coffee/warm beverage in their hand? (Random radio fun fact.) Must take a caffeine break now...



  1. Such cute fun facts! I am with you on Idol....not huge on the talent this year. Pretty bad that the judges keep having to remind them that this is a singing competition! Love your SATC reference cutie!

  2. Love these. Sounds like a I need a warm beverage pronto. Happy wedding planning! You'll have to give me some tips... XO Katie

  3. idol is TOUGH this year! I'm not even looking forward to each episode like i have in years past... big mike has my vote. the janis joplin girl is just, well, too janis joplin for me!
    good luck with all the wedding wonderment this weekend. im crossing my fingers for sunshine!
    ditto on that caffeine thing-- it's tea time!


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