
11 March 2010

Closeted Obsessions

One of our home projects before newlywed bliss and the great move in extravaganza ensues is my Wardrobing Room. Yes, I am getting a wardrobing room in FiancĂ©'s house - tres lucky girl! I know there are several elements I want in this room: chandelier, vanity, antique full-length mirror, a shoe wall, and plenty of hanging space. Anytime I see a picture of a beautiful closet, I save it to my decorating inspiration archives. I cannot remember where I found these images (if any of these are your pictures, pretty-please-with-a-cherry-on-top don't sue!), but aren't they completely drool-worthy?  

Chandelier, sitting area, and multiple changing/display areas? Mariah Carey can do closets right.
In case you need further proof, I present to you: Mariah's shoe collection. I rest my case.
Chandelier, pink, and vanity? Yes please!
Pink shoe wall? Perfection.
Neverending shoe shelves and Louis Vuitton trunks? Heaven.

Here's hoping my wardrobing room is as fabulous as these lovelies. Pictures to come in about six months when it is complete!



  1. In my wildest dreams!!!! So beautiful!

  2. omg i seriously almost jumped out of my life and into yours because i thought that first closet was yours!! oh mariah, how are you so posh!?? now if you end up with her closet (or any semblance of it) you'll have to watch out for me creep creepin' over to it haha :D and other note, i would totally not need the shoe walls...i am such a dress girl instead!! thanks for the fab post and inspiration - you are one lucky girl!

  3. ohmg girl, i almost jumped out of my life and into yours when i saw that first closet and thought it was yours!! mariah carey knows what she's doing!! i would totally need the shoe space to hang all of my dresses, though haha :)

  4. the first and second pictures look more like boutiques than closets! They are fabulous! By the way, i love your blog, im a new follower!

  5. Those pics are TDF!! Just found your blog and it's so fabulous! I can't wait to see what your wardrobing room looks like when it's finished!

  6. oh my word I envy those closets! I just came across your blog and absolutely love it!

    xoxo have a fabulous weekend!

  7. i have been trying to convince my husband for years to revamp my closet and side of the bedroom to include a vanity, chair or dressing area! you go... and post pictures please!

  8. These are beautiful...I'm gasping in awe. I can't wait to see how yours turns out.


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