
30 June 2011

Pink & Green Pondering...


How is a girl to choose?! I think I NEED both. Kate Spade, you are killing me...

Celebrate Pink & Green Thursday with the gorgeous Trish! XO

28 June 2011

Murfee for ME!

Lilly and In the Pink collaborated to create this fabulous custom Lilly toile print filled with everything there is to love about summer in New England!

One word: NEED.

27 June 2011

Monday Mania

Happy Monday, darlin's! It has been a whirlwind weekend, and I am finally catching my breath. Husband and I had out-of-town guests staying with us for a wedding Thursday night through Sunday, and we had such fun! Friday, we took them to Martha's Vineyard on our boat to meet friends for lunch. We walked around the island, rode the Flying Horses, indulged in some fudge, and had a lovely boat trip home. After a delicious seafood dinner, we celebrated the night before the big day with the soon-to-be Mr. & Mrs. with some cocktails.

On Saturday, we enjoyed crepes for breakfast and a long walk in town. It was the day of the Homecoming Fair and the streets were packed with tents and booths of vendors. We got some ice cream on the wharf before heading home to get dolled up in our wedding best. The wedding was absolutely gorgeous, and I promise to share photos with you all! We ended the weekend relaxing in one of our favorite harbors where I went swimming for the first time this season... summer is HERE!

Looking forward to catching up with you all soon! XOXO

23 June 2011

National Pink Day

Happy National Pink Day, lovelies! Could it be that this may be the happiest day of the year? Let's celebrate my favorite color with some fabulous ladies!

"I believe in PINK. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles." - Audrey Hepburn

 "Wear PINK and make the boys wink!" - Lilly Pulitzer

"Whoever said orange was the new PINK was seriously disturbed." - Elle Woods

Is it a coincidence that National Pink Day happens to fall on Pink & Green Thursday? I think not!

Link up, play along with Trishy, and share the PINK & green love! XOXO

21 June 2011

Summer is HERE!

The first day of summer has finally arrived! Yippee! For all you Lilly lovers out there, you know what that means... today is National Wear Your Lilly Day! Look at all the lovelies at Lilly headquarters looking summer-perfect in their fun frocks.

I can picture myself standing in that sea of Lilly in my new seersucker Bowen dress... if you're reading this and hiring, Lilly, I would be quite the addition to your team! Tee hee. Are you celebrating and wearing your Lilly today? Share your outfits, pretties!

Wishing you all a sun-shiny, summery day! XOXO

17 June 2011

Wedding Bells

 My senior year of college, I lived with five other girls. 3 of us were cheerleaders, 3 of us were on the dance team, 3 of us had the same name, and we ALL loved weddings. Our apartment overlooked the chapel on campus and every Saturday when we heard those bells ring, we would all sprint to the windows and peer through the glass trying to take in every detail in sight. We analyzed the bride's dress, flowers, bridesmaid dresses, hair, color scheme... we were obsessed.

(We were even a wedding party for Halloween that year... it took a little convincing for the boys to agree to dress up as groomsmen, but we were adorable.)

Tomorrow, the girl with whom I shared a bedroom, a name, and a cheerleading team is walking down the aisle in that very chapel on campus that we admired so many years ago. Sending big congratulations hugs to the Mr. & Mrs. to be!

all images via

PS: the dress, the flowers, the colors, and the bridesmaid dresses will be just lovely.  

16 June 2011

Newest Pink & Green

We are one day away from the weekend, I have a birthday dinner to attend tonight, and it's time to celebrate my two favorite colors! Three cheers for Pink & Green Thursday!

Today, I wanted to share my latest Lilly additions with you, my fellow Lilly lovers. Don't you just adore new clothes and accessories?

Remember when I was drooling over this lovely number? The seersucker, the pink embroidery, the perfection of it?! This lovely is now hanging in my closet and made it's debut at my 5 year college reunion - squeee!

Husband insisted on adding this darling necklace to our purchase while at the register... who was I to object???

I'm a tad bit obsessed with this blouse - the print is one of my faves and that ruffled neckline is divine.

Bright pink printed Callahan shorts for summer? Yes please! And could the name get any cuter? "Hotty Pink Skinny Dippin"!
(Cool Gal, you're right... I L-O-V-E these shorts!)

Play along and link up with Trishy too, pretty please!  


15 June 2011

Glitter Girl

Happy Wednesday, my loves! My blogging besties Julie and Trishy both alerted me of the launch of the fabulous Glitter Guide, and I have been positively giddy pouring over the site and swooning over the gorgeous images. You can see their posts about the launch here and here, and you can check out your new favorite site here.

I just had to share these stunning shots from the Glitter Girl photo shoot with you... are you a glitter girl too???

"The Glitter Girl is many things: kind, fun, and stylish. She’s a taste-maker and a total magpie.She loves scouring the world for inspiration and thinks of all things fabulous as “glittery.” A Glitter Girl loves color and anything that lights up a scene. She never leaves the house without her favorite lipstick, lives each day like it’s her birthday, and sparkles from the inside out."

Perfectly said, sister!

Celebrate Semi-Wordless Wednesday with the darling Daphne! XO

13 June 2011

Fluent in French, Oui?

"Fluent in French, intermittently. I'm really good at words like moi and très, which seem to take care of just about everything a girl needs. A few unkind people have pointed out that this does not make me exactly fluent, but I say, well, that's lucky because if I spoke perfect fluent French no one would like me, and no one likes a perfect girl, do they?"

This excerpt from Bergdorf Blondes describes my French speaking skills to a tee... I have never taken a French class, but I think it is just the most romantic language and I dream of living in Paris one day... In the hopes of improving my French beyond oui, très, j'adore, and merci, I downloaded the Speak French Free app on my new phone... let the lessons begin, mes cheres!

10 June 2011

Ciao Bella! Bikini Glam

TGIF! Big thank you hugs to all of you who sent sweet words over yesterday for Husband and I's anniversary of the day we met - you are all dolls! When I walked in the front door last night, I was greeted by a candlelit dinner waiting on the table and our wedding song playing... he still sweeps me off my feet! Tres romantic, oui?

To get everyone excited for a summer weekend, I want to share some lovely photos from Vogue Italia with you for this week's Fashion Friday feature. Trust me, you'll want to look this glam in a bikini. Let's dive in! 

all images via

Bring on the furs, floppy straw hats, and gigantic jewels!

Celebrate Fashion Fridays with Kori, too! Link up and let the fun begin!

Wishing you a lovely weekend! Kisses until next week!

09 June 2011

Cheers to Five Years!

Five years ago today, I was a recent college graduate back home reuniting with my besties for a night on the town. We had joked about being on the lookout for PH's (read: potential husbands... I had read Bergdorf Blondes one too many times, perhaps?) as we headed out for cocktails... When we met 3 boys at the bar, we instantly became friends and spent the summer together. That is the summer I fell in love with a boy on the wharf, under the stars, and on a boat...  

He later proposed to me on that very same boat.

Five years later, he is my best friend, my love, and my HUSBAND. Today, I'm sending all my pink & green love to you, Husband! You're my favorite, and I love you to pieces. XOXO

Link up with the lovely Trish!