
09 June 2011

Cheers to Five Years!

Five years ago today, I was a recent college graduate back home reuniting with my besties for a night on the town. We had joked about being on the lookout for PH's (read: potential husbands... I had read Bergdorf Blondes one too many times, perhaps?) as we headed out for cocktails... When we met 3 boys at the bar, we instantly became friends and spent the summer together. That is the summer I fell in love with a boy on the wharf, under the stars, and on a boat...  

He later proposed to me on that very same boat.

Five years later, he is my best friend, my love, and my HUSBAND. Today, I'm sending all my pink & green love to you, Husband! You're my favorite, and I love you to pieces. XOXO

Link up with the lovely Trish!


  1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!! Love your wedding photos.

  2. I just love that photo of the two of you on the dock. Beautiful.

    It really is amazing when you meet that "special guy."


  3. Congrats! I loved this peek into your wedding--your hair was GORGEOUS!

  4. What a sweet story! Love the song you have playing, too! Congrats XO

    ps. I've read Bergdorf Blondes a few too many times, as well. Makes me want a bellini & fly on a PJ (private jet) right now! ;)

  5. Your pictures are just perfect...honestly...perfect. Those are ideal in my mind. Happy Anniversary! You are so blessed! So very happy for you!

  6. Love this! Cheers to so many more happy years together! :)

  7. cheers!! your photos are gorgeous -- is that a gorgeous diana/kate inspired ring on your finger?? what's the story?

  8. Hi babydoll! So excited for our phone date later! I absolutely love this post and I am so very thrilled that you and your sweetheart met that very fate-filled summer! Cheers to five years of best-friendship and always to your love, laughter and happily ever after! Mwah! xoxo

  9. Beautiful pictures!! Congrats! xoxo
    Where are were the bridesmaid dresses from? I love the color!


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO