
16 June 2011

Newest Pink & Green

We are one day away from the weekend, I have a birthday dinner to attend tonight, and it's time to celebrate my two favorite colors! Three cheers for Pink & Green Thursday!

Today, I wanted to share my latest Lilly additions with you, my fellow Lilly lovers. Don't you just adore new clothes and accessories?

Remember when I was drooling over this lovely number? The seersucker, the pink embroidery, the perfection of it?! This lovely is now hanging in my closet and made it's debut at my 5 year college reunion - squeee!

Husband insisted on adding this darling necklace to our purchase while at the register... who was I to object???

I'm a tad bit obsessed with this blouse - the print is one of my faves and that ruffled neckline is divine.

Bright pink printed Callahan shorts for summer? Yes please! And could the name get any cuter? "Hotty Pink Skinny Dippin"!
(Cool Gal, you're right... I L-O-V-E these shorts!)

Play along and link up with Trishy too, pretty please!  



  1. i love the pink & white dress! i've been looking for something similar to this for a long time. it's so pretty!

    xo katie elizabeth

  2. Pink and green looks great in the photos, but I just cant do it. It doesn't look right on me, but I do think its a cheery combination and looks fab on others.

    Hope you're having a great week! I have a new post up about my hair disaster yesterday. You should check out the before pictures - its pretty bad!
    Michelle :)

  3. Love all your new pink and green! I always feel like I'm adding to my collection when I get new clothes and shoes - because I totally consider clothes, shoes, and accessories to be what I collect! Have a lovely pink and green Thursday!

  4. Love the Callahans. And the dress... *sigh* Adorable!

  5. I've been looking at that dress forever! The perfect combo of sweet and sophisticated!


  6. What fun Lilly additions! Love it all. Definitely makes for a perfect pink and green Thursday. Lilly always does! :)

  7. Love these Lilly picks! They are all so cute. And the Callahans are the absolute most flattering shorts I've ever owned!


  8. Ooooh, I'm obsessed with that blouse too! Lovely!
    And wow--sounds like you have a great hubby!

  9. I have to loving the pink dress as well..
    Have a good weekend..

  10. I am absolutely adoring that necklace!



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