
27 June 2011

Monday Mania

Happy Monday, darlin's! It has been a whirlwind weekend, and I am finally catching my breath. Husband and I had out-of-town guests staying with us for a wedding Thursday night through Sunday, and we had such fun! Friday, we took them to Martha's Vineyard on our boat to meet friends for lunch. We walked around the island, rode the Flying Horses, indulged in some fudge, and had a lovely boat trip home. After a delicious seafood dinner, we celebrated the night before the big day with the soon-to-be Mr. & Mrs. with some cocktails.

On Saturday, we enjoyed crepes for breakfast and a long walk in town. It was the day of the Homecoming Fair and the streets were packed with tents and booths of vendors. We got some ice cream on the wharf before heading home to get dolled up in our wedding best. The wedding was absolutely gorgeous, and I promise to share photos with you all! We ended the weekend relaxing in one of our favorite harbors where I went swimming for the first time this season... summer is HERE!

Looking forward to catching up with you all soon! XOXO


  1. Sounds like the perfect summer weekend, but I do hate Monday mornings where you feel more tired than you did Friday afternoon! Be sure to stop by in the morning to check out a great giveaway and sale!

  2. Yum! Crepes! Sounds like a perfect weekend. Hope you had a great day doll! Kori xoxo


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO