
17 June 2011

Wedding Bells

 My senior year of college, I lived with five other girls. 3 of us were cheerleaders, 3 of us were on the dance team, 3 of us had the same name, and we ALL loved weddings. Our apartment overlooked the chapel on campus and every Saturday when we heard those bells ring, we would all sprint to the windows and peer through the glass trying to take in every detail in sight. We analyzed the bride's dress, flowers, bridesmaid dresses, hair, color scheme... we were obsessed.

(We were even a wedding party for Halloween that year... it took a little convincing for the boys to agree to dress up as groomsmen, but we were adorable.)

Tomorrow, the girl with whom I shared a bedroom, a name, and a cheerleading team is walking down the aisle in that very chapel on campus that we admired so many years ago. Sending big congratulations hugs to the Mr. & Mrs. to be!

all images via

PS: the dress, the flowers, the colors, and the bridesmaid dresses will be just lovely.  


  1. Oh how sweet! I love that she's getting married at that same chapel! :)
    Congrats to your friend and her hubby to be!

  2. How precious! I lived in a house with 6 other ladies in college, so I def. know what you mean by "analyzing wedding talk". Hope you have a great weekend at the wedding. I'm a new follower to your precious blog. You should stop by mine sometime at Simple Southern, Sweet, Classy and Sassy:

  3. Awww this is so cute! I love weddings too. Congratulations to her! Have an amazing time.

    xo katie elizabeth

  4. I love weddings too, other than the fact that every wedding I go to, I think, "Why didn't I do that?" to everything I see! Ha ha...

  5. What a cute story! Congrats to your friend!

  6. what a cute story! I love weddings too (watch waaaay too much "Say Yes to the Dress")

  7. Love your roomie story! Hope you had a fabulous time! ;)

  8. that sounds lovely! Enjoy every moment <3 I thought I had everything planned and now I am so indecisive. lol It's ok though my friends are still helping me.

  9. what a sweet story -- and to think, it's not even a story -- it is real life!! adorable.

    don't forget to enter my giveaway!

  10. SO sweet .. love the Halloween story, how cute is that!!! xoxoxo


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