
27 February 2010

Rent the Runway

I received an email from bff A the other day, and as I opened it my jaw dropped and I screeched (tween-girl-at-a-Jonas-Brothers-concert-style). Let me explain. The email was an invitation to join Rent the Runway. Now, I receive emails from Gilt Group, Rue La La, Haute Look, Beyone the Rack, Shop it to Me, and One Kings Lane (wow, a tad bit excessive? perhaps.). But Rent the Runway absolutely must be added to every girl's members-only exclusive designer shopping email list. You can rent runway dresses for 90% off retail. (Read: a $2,000 rehearsal dinner dress could be mine mine for the night for a mere $200.)

Pause to give you a moment to catch your breath.

If you would like an invite, send your email address over and I will send this little bundle of runway joy to your inbox. What could be better than the gift of couture?


26 February 2010

Foto Friday

For today's Foto Friday (sounds much more Italiano than Photo Friday, si?), I give you a glimpse into our trip to Italy this past October. From the view of "Fiancé-and-I cam", join us for a gondola ride on the tiny canals of Venice. Molto bella! (Putting the Italian cheat-sheet I put together, mostly comprised of food and wine translations, to good use.)


25 February 2010

Fabulous Alert!

My dear friend, co-worker, and fellow Lilly lover KC just alerted me of some tres blog-worthy news, and I just had to share it with you all. Coco Chanel is introducing a new lipstick line entitled Rouge Coco Hydrating Créme Lip Colour (see, I told you it was fabulous! How could it not be with a name like that?) 

As if this were not fabulous enough, (how many times can I use the word "fabulous" in one post without going over the limit and receiving a citation from the fashion blogging rulers?) the featured color is named "Mademoiselle". Tres, tres fabuloso (I declare I can get away with one more by adding the "o" to the end). Sigh. J'adore!

“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” Coco Chanel


Thursday Thoughts

1. This headband is giving me a splitting headache. I curse you killer jeweled hair ornament.
2. It is day number 2 of rain and gloom here. Kate Spade rain footwear is sitting under my desk AGAIN. I strongly oppose this unless February showers will bring March flowers.
3. I spent a good deal of time looking for bandeau bikinis and contemplating my summer wardrobe so as to avoid any possible bridal tan lines. It is February. It is 40 degrees outside. My wedding is six months away. What is wrong with me?
4. I am extremely unimpressed with American Idol this season. Fiancé and my favorites are Casey and Didi as of now, but so far no one is the caliber of being called my idol.
5. New arrivals are here from J Crew. Bestill my heart.
6. I am wearing my Eiffel Tower charm necklace from Fiancé today and dreaming of Paris. J'adore!
7. One of my bridesmaids and bff's mother is starting chemo today. Please say a little prayer for her and their family.


24 February 2010

Kate. Spade. Sample. Sale.

4 of the most wonderful words ever said in succession. Breathe, regroup, and do not add to cart.

Please buy something pretty for me.


Rain, Rain Go Away

It is a dreary, rainy day here, and this horrid weather is predicted to stay for the next 5 days. Bleh. If I were back in college, we would spend the day drinking hot chocolate and watching Sex and the City DVDs all day long from our beds. Instead, I am now forced to go to work and brave the elements with nothing but my Kate Spade rain boots and an umbrella to protect me. Sigh. Oh what a difference a few years makes!


23 February 2010

JCrew Spring Fever

Here they are as promised (a tad bit late, but it built up the suspense and excitement... right?) - my fabulous JCrew outlet Spring finds! Please enjoy the eye candy to follow.

Love the print and the twisted cap sleeve.

I had bought the skirt in this print last year, but it was love at second sight.

A girl can never have too many cardigans or polka dots!

Such a fun Spring color! A new office staple.

Perfect for summer days or with a pashmina at night. Adore the dotted fabric.

I had my eye on the Frenchie for a while... at the outlet price, yes please!

Hurry up, Spring! My winter wardrobe is no longer exciting me.


22 February 2010

stella & dot STYLE

One of my favorite bloggers Alanna at .sparkles and sundresses. is hosting a fabulous giveaway. Congratulations on hitting 100 followers, lovely! You simply must check out stella & dot and enter to win these gorgeous earrings. (You heard it from me, ladies.) Happy entering!
Here is a little sneak peek - one of my favorite stella & dot necklaces.

Pink Swap Perfection

I received my Pink Swap presents in the mail a few days ago, and Princess M really spoiled me! Feast your eyes on these treasures:
-"Last Fling Before Wedding Bells Ring" frame - an adorable girls' photo will have to be placed here after the bachelorette party.
-Socks - pink & polka dots. Enough said.
-Pink and green magnetized notepad and weekly planner - both already found a home on my fridge.
-Chocolate - yum-my!
-Pink flower cards (can you see the fabulous jeweled pen?) and a card with the Eiffel tower - j'adore!
-Wedding wine charms and wedding scrapbooking cake - absolutely perfect for this bride-to-be!

Thank you oh-so-much again, Princess M! If we didn't live on opposite coasts, I think we would just have to become bffs! 


21 February 2010

Diamonds and Family Heirlooms

When I was 11 years old, a family tradition was born. I so clearly remember the day that my aunt presented my older cousin (16 at the time) with our great grandmother's engagement ring. My great grandmother, born in 1899 (although she told everyone 1900), had passed the ring on to my aunt in 1974 saying she had too many diamonds to wear. Many years later, it occured to my aunt that she was not meant to keep this ring forever, but to pass it on to future generations of the family. She decided that every girl would receive the ring on her 16th birthday, not just receiving the diamond, but remembering family values, traditions, and love. In 2000, I turned 16 and my cousin (very recently engaged wearing a ring of her own) handed me the ring. I adore the perfect diamond, the antique settting, and the delicate design of this 1919 ring. Now with a diamond of my own, yesterday it was my turn to pass the ring on to my cousin as she is sweet 16. Here we are showing off our sparkle, the 1919 engagement ring on the left and my own 2009 ring to the right. As I said when I slid the ring off my finger and gave it to her, "Diamonds are a girl's best friend!" 

Cheers to family heirlooms and a little sparkle!

20 February 2010

Shoe Euphoria


That's all.


19 February 2010

Photo Friday

It has recently dawned on me that since I am getting married in nearly 6 months (O.M.G.), I only have a little time left in my single-girl-in-her-twenties-apartment. I decided that before I move out as a farewell to my girly living space, I want to throw a fabulous coctail party totally channeling Breakfast at Tiffany's - little black dresses and all. In the meantime, I decided to host a Mardi Gras coctail party for our friends in town. Translation = a few people will come over and drink wine while wearing beads. Since we are no longer in college and consider Tuesday a "work night" (oh, the joys of growing up and being an adult), we decided tonight would be a better option.  Sooooo, for Photo Friday, I present to you a glimpse of my Mardi Gras decked out apartment.  

Happy Friday and happy belated Mardi Gras!


Pink, and Green, and Wine, OH MY!

The fabulous KAG over at Monograms & Martinis is hosting the most wonderful giveaway from HuePhoria! Is this not the most adorable wine glass you have ever seen? Pink with a green palm tree?! How Lilly! And how perfectly coordinating with my upcoming wedding! (The boys are wearing pink ties with green palm trees on them - totally a sign that I'm meant to win, right?) Yeah, I didn't think you would go for that so easily...
Happy entering and wine drinking!


18 February 2010

Holly Golightly Inspiration

Did anyone catch today's ode to Holly Golightly fashion at {this is glamorous}? ABSOLUTELY ADORE. “My look is attainable. Women can look like Audrey Hepburn by flipping out their hair, buying the large sunglasses, and the little sleeveless dresses.” - Audrey Hepburn


Word to the Wise

When reheating lobster ravioli in the microwave, do not assume that you can trust the default "reheat - pasta" setting to get the job done. Also, do not walk away from said microwave or you will surely return to a sauce disaster. Somehow this does not look quite as appetizing as it did last night...

17 February 2010

Crazy about BOWS

If you know me, you know that I adore bows! (After all, I was a cheerleader for 14 years and spent most of those years with a big bow on my head.) When I got this email from Lilly today, I nearly fainted.
Sigh. Pure bow bliss.

16 February 2010

Love, Love, Love

Valentine's Day is one of my favorite days of the year. I know most people subscribe to the theory of Valentine's as a manufactured holiday by Hallmark filled with overpriced flowers and chocolates. I understand. It can also be horrid if you are single, which is why my bffs and I started Secret Valentine in high school (like Secret Santa) and still send each other Valentines to this day. BUT I also like to look at Valentine's Day as one of those special days like an anniversary where you can celebrate love and being with one another all day long. Call me a hopeless romantic, a cheeseball, anything of your choosing, but I stand by my choice. I heart Valentine's Day.

This year for our one and only engaged Valentine's Day, we began the day with a pancake breakfast at a teeny bakery in town (blueberry for him, chocolate chip for her). We watched Breakfast at Tiffany's at my apartment (see - I told you he was a catch!) after exchanging presents. I opened the most beautiful vintage pearl and rosette necklace (more catch-quality) and happily made it an accessory for the rest of the day (picture to come as soon as the necklace, my camera, and my computer can rendezvous). The remainder of the day was spent in Newport window shopping, eating chowder and beef carpaccio overlooking the water mid-afternoon, and having a romantic candlelit dinner at the Black Pearl. What a wonderful day with my wonderful Fiancé!

Hope you had a lovely day as well!

Update: Here is the photo of my Valentine necklace. Apologies for the horrid quality, but you can see the pearls and rosette beads. 


Wonderful Wedding Weekend

I'm back after a long weekend and a mini-blogcation with LOTS of updates! In wedding world, we accomplished tres much. It is a fantastic feeling to see everything come together and check some things off the ever-so-long to do list. Saturday we began by visiting the land of buttercream and fondant with our cake tasting. We designed our cake (which I adore - more details to come in a future post) and then the real fun began when we were handed forks... let's just say this served as our lunch for the day and we both left on a little sugar high. Next it was off to pick up our wedding bands which led to another kind of high - a diamond high. After filling up and having a moment in the jeweler (yes, we are that couple), it was off to the Land Rover dealership. I think after all the frosting and diamonds Fiancé was craving a little dose of something manly. It is my theory that cars are to boys as diamonds are to girls. (Aren't we girls lucky? Diamonds are SO much prettier.) A quick chat with the salesman and a test drive around town, and we were on our way back to wedding world. In one stop at the outlets, we completely outfitting the groom and groomsmen. Brooks Brothers had the perfect green pants, and JCrew took care of the navy blazers, white shirts, and the most perfect pink ties with green palm trees. I also picked up some amazing pieces at JCrew for myself (some work-to-weekend finds that were just too good to pass up) that I will share once my new wardrobe and I have a little photo shoot. Valentine's Day (our affianced Valentine's Day!) was lovely, which also deserves a post all its own. More details to come soon - promise, promise. Yesterday Mother and I headed up to Priscilla of Boston for my accessories appointment with my bridal consultant. I found my veil and the most. amazing. piece. of. bridal. jewelry. ever. I wish I could share more because I could gush for hours, but Fiancé tends to pop in to Pink Champagne from time to time, and I cannot reveal anything before the Church-doors-open moment. Mother tried on a few mother of the bride dress options while we were in the city, and then we were off to meet my dad and Fiancé for dinner. As if this were not enough wedding errands for one weekend, I also came across the perfect bridesmaid presents for the girls and ordered them last night. In case one of them reads this, I cannot reveal what they are until the wedding has passed and I am officially a Mrs. (Is this too many surprises for one post?)

Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

PS - It is snowing outside again... when will Spring get here? This girl has new clothes to wear!


14 February 2010

Hearts, Flowers, and Candy

Have a romantic, chocolate-dipped, rosy, heart-shaped, lovey-dovey, very pink Valentine's Day! mJa

12 February 2010

Photo Friday

In honor of Valentine's Day, today's Photo Friday is romantically-inclined. I present to you the spot where we got engaged: on the little boat we fell in love on that first summer, anchored in one of our favorite quiet spots in the harbor. Tres romantic.

PS - my boss just completely caught me staring at my diamond, hand in front of my computer-screen and all. The giddy feeling of that day has yet to wear off.


In 10 Years...

I have been tagged by one of my very first fabulous blog friends Sparkles and Sundresses! Thanks, lovely! Here is how to play:
"This award means you're really going places, Baby. You'll still be blogging about your great adventures 10 years from now, and I'll still be reading them."

The Rules:

* Link back to the blogger who sent you this award
* Post where you would like to be in 10 years
* Pass it on to 5 other special bloggers!

In 10 years, I will be (GASP) 36. By this time, Fiancé will have long been Husband and we will have an adorable little child of our own (who will undoubtedly be decked out in Lilly). I will have advanced in my career in fashion marketing and be a proud MBA graduate (I have completed one class so far... at this rate it may take me until I am 36). As a family, we will have traveled to many more places in the world and have spent more time in the lovely and romantic Paris. Maybe my French will expand beyond "tres", "bonjoir!", and "merci". We will have our dream boat by now ("Baroness") and will have spent countless summer days and nights on the water. Most importantly, we will be surrounded by family, friends, and lots of love. Check back with me in a decade...

Your turn! this award goes to:

Cheers to Fun Friday Games!


11 February 2010

Confessions of a Shopaholic

I have always loved to shop (understatement?). However, with a wedding, honeymoon, and home and boat expenses to consider, I have been trying to cut back on my shopping sprees. Perhaps it also has something to do with growing up and no longer being able to expense everything to the bank of Mom and Dad... Sigh - those were the days.

To toot my own horn (toot!), I have been doing very well with my self-imposed restriction. Every now and then though, this sneaky little urge creeps up on me and I feel the need to splurge. Today, it was ebay that got me. I found a seller with tons of gorgeous Lilly all. in. my. size. (My little heart begins to race) Lilly, at a discount, new with tags?!?! It's almost too much for me to take. Feast your eyes on these lovelies that I have my eye on (and am trying oh-so hard not to click that pesky "buy" button:
This dress screams outdoor summer days...
LOVE the Jubilee collection.
Office chic. Bonus points for practicality?
Love the cut and embroidery.
Oh-so pretty paired with white pants or shorts.
Adore this print - the perfect summer shift.
Does anyone remember the chapter from Confessions of a Shopaholic when she sets her oven timer for her ebay items? I completely empathize...

10 February 2010

Let It Snow

Let it snow, let it snow!

A big blizzard is headed our way on the east coast today, and I am sitting at my desk anxiously awaiting for the snow to start falling so I can head home early and partake in all my favorite snow-storm activities: drinking hot chocolate, snuggling on the sofa watching movies, sitting in front of the fire - so cozy!
Photo courtesy of {this is glamourous} - I adore chandeliers and the design reminiscent of snow is gorgeous! (and quite fitting for this snowy day)

Keep warm and drink some cocoa!


09 February 2010

Countdown to I Do

Eh em, may I please direct your attention to the bottom right corner of the screen to our wedding countdown?

200 DAYS! Hooray! I think this calls for a little champagne...


Belated Weekend Recap

I know this comes a tad bit late, but I blame it on the Monday Blues (see previous post). Today is off to a much better start since this girl learns from her mistakes. Example: yesterday I learned that extreme wind and a black jeweled headband make for quite a mess when gone unchecked. Today, a quick brush of the hair upon arrival at my desk prevented such disasters. With my affairs (and hair) much more in order today, I have time for a quick weekend recap.

Saturday night I met my bffs for a belated birthday get togeher in my honor. 3 of my 5 bridesmaids finally reunited for dinner, drinks, and birthday cake (twice... was it really necessary to have a piece before and after we went out??? I have a wedding dress to fit into!). It was such fun to catch up, dance the night away, and have a slumber party after just like our high school days. A bonus was being able to play with my MOH's adorable 8-month-old son - we could not get enough of him and his little cheeks. Isn't it so nice how some things never change with best friends?
Sunday morning, I was welcomed home by meeting Fiancé, my future in-laws, and some family friends at our favorite brunch spot. We ended the weekend with the game, but the actual game was not the highlight of Super Bowl Sunday for me. I'm not a huge football fan now that my cheerleading days are in the past, but I was happy to see the Saints win. This girl would choose gold and fleur de lis over royal blue and horseshoes anyday. (And I think the positive effects New Orleans will feel as a result of the win are wonderful.) Our little gathering turned into wedding chat over wine with my future mother-in-law and Fiancé's godmother (what fun!) while Fiancé and his dad watched the game. We did pause to watch a few commercials (what the Super Bowl is all about) - I adore those E-trade babies. Precious!

All in all, it was a wonderful weekend and I can't believe that I am here sitting at my desk again, already Tuesday morning. Valentine's weekend, please get here quick!


08 February 2010

Monday Blues

"Monday blues - missing my beautiful bride-to-be"
This is the email I just got from Fiancé at work... my Monday blues are nowhere to be found and there is a big smile on this girl's face. (Ignore stack of papers and long to-do list on my desk.) Isn't it amazing how the little things can make all the difference? Hope everyone else is having a happy Monday!


05 February 2010

When Wedding Week and Photo Friday Get Married

Today is Friday, which marks the beginning of the weekend (hooray!) and the end of wedding week (weeeh). Who am I kidding - everyday is a wedding day in the world of a bride-to-be, so there will be plenty more wedding chat in the next 6 and a half months. Not to neglect Photo Friday or the final rendition of this glorious week devoted to the wedding of yours truly, I present you with a combination of the two.

Meet my Traveling Wedding Tote. TWT and I go on every wedding-related trip together, from venue-shopping, to menu-tasting, to florist and photographer meetings and beyond. (And I mean this in the nicest way possible, but TWT you are getting hea-vy! You might want to watch your pre-wedding diet to keep that in check.) Here is where I keep my wedding binder (created immediately the Monday after our engagement weekend - you can spy the green grosgrain ribbon bow at the top left), a library of wedding magazines for inspiration, and the wedding bible - Emily Post's Wedding Etiquette. Not visible, there is also my wedding planning calendar which keeps track of all appointments - coming up soon we have:
-bridesmaid dresses with the girls 2/6 (can I try one on too just for fun?)
-bridal expo for bff's wedding 2/7 at noon (did I mention my best friend and MOH is also getting married this summer? twice the excitement)
-cake tasting 2/13 at 1
-pick up wedding bands following (diamonds = smiles)
-Priscilla's accessories appointment 2/15 at 2

Farewell Wedding Week - it sure has been fun. Date to chat about veils soon? Good.
Have a fabulous and sparkly weekend!


04 February 2010

Wedding Week Installment 4: Making a list and checking it twice

Yes, I know the Christmas season has long passed, so I apologize for the cheesy Santa reference in the title. Today is all about the list. As I logged into the knot today, I was informed:
-there are 205 days until our wedding day is here (silent squeal of excitement/slight increase in blood pressure)
-checklist = to-dos on list: 134, completed to-dos: 55 (more rapid increase in blood pressure)
... wait, this has not been updated for a little while... check off some things that are complete, click update, and cross fingers...
-checklist = to-dos on list: 123, completed to-dos: 66 (slightly better)

The reason the knot checklist has not been updated in a little while is because frankly it just doesn't do it for this bride-to-be. So many little details that are floating around in my soon-to-be veil-wearing head that just aren't included on their list. What about ring bearer pillows? What about the new bikinis and dresses that must be purchased for our Figian honeymoon? What about selecting the perfect shades of pink and green paint for our mini sailboats being made as place settings? On that note, what about compiling a list of themed table names??? Not trusting the knot to keep track of these essential extras, I turn to my own devices and compile my own unique wedding to do list. Since the entire list is far too long, I present to you the items that must be done this week.

1. Try on bridesmaid dresses at J Crew with the girls - to be done Saturday before our girly get-together.
2. Reschedule cake tasting with the bakery.
3. Reschedule accessories appointment with Priscilla's - shouldn't they have notified me that next Sunday at noon was not just any Sunday, but VALENTINE'S DAY? Most brides-to-be will be spending this day with their fiancés, yes?
4. Call florist to inquire about follow-up appointment - I want to start nailing down some details!
5. Finalize guest list in order to be able to complete number 6.
6. Speak with designer, select paper, and plan to print Save the Dates!
7. Pick up wedding bands - these beauties will be in our possession next weekend. Three cheers for more diamonds.
8. Announce engagement in local papers. Who doesn't want to be a local celebrity for the day and appear in the society pages (even better, the wedding pages)?

Wish me luck! There is no better feeling than making that line through a completed task on your list (other than slipping your foot into a brand new flowered peep-toe heel, of course)...


Pretty Preppy Pink Package

was successfully mailed yesterday and is now enroute on its cross-country journey. Enjoy, Princess M!

(note: this is not the actual package being mailed, but it certainly trumped an image of the US Post Office box traveling as we speak. Pink stripes and polka dots beats white cardboard any day.)


03 February 2010

Brand Baby

If my love of Lilly Pulitzer and Fiancé's love of LeSportSac had a baby...

Shop the new collection here (and think of us when you make a purchase).


Wedding Week Installment 3: Shoes

Greetings from Wedding World! Since I am a firm believer that the shoe is one of the most integral pieces of the outfit (and since I can't talk about the DRESS which is absolutely killing me), today my bridal shoe will get a post all its own. Why? This shoe will surely get its' own photo in the wedding album, and it will surely make many guest appearance in multiple photos throughout. You know when you find the perfect shoe and you are so excited you cannot wait a moment to share it with someone? This is what happened to me when I discovered this shoe during my daily online shopping browsing routine. I immediately called my mother and told her about my wedding breakthrough. Sent out a group email to my bridesmaids/bffs to share the shoe love. Did a small dance and sang very loudly (and out of tune) in my car the entire drive home. Heck, I almost called the wedding specialist at J Crew as I knew she would be equally thrilled about my find. (Seriously, if you ever feel the need to gush about your bridesmaid dresses to someone, these are your girls. Their heartfelt "Congratulations on your wedding!" and affirmation of how beautiful your dress choice is always does it for me.) Without further ado, I present my wedding shoe:

If your little heart desires to zoom in even more, you can see this beauty here.

The silk flower, peep-toe, perfect-height-heel, silver metallic... sigh. It was love at first sight. Since I couldn't say it any better myself, I defer to the queen that is J Crew (or J Crew's copywriter).

"A touch of tattered silk - hand cut and gently frayed - looks simply brilliant with all things dressy, like this gorgeous metallic leather peep toe. The look is whimsical and chic (a perfect pair in every way). 3" self-covered heel. Man-made sole. Made in Italy."

True love in the form of flowered footwear.


Fashion Faux Pas: Fur

Perhaps my double fur collar choice this morning (both my sweater AND my coat) was a tad bit overkill considering the temperature of our office today. What can I say? I saw snow and went into ski-lodge snow-bunny mode.


02 February 2010

Pack (your Lilly!) for Paradise

I want to eat here:And sleep here:That's all. Enter to win here.


Wedding Week Installment 2: Wardrobing

Happy Wedding Day Number 2! (Any wedding day is a happy day, right?) Today the topic of discussion will be the three words that plague women every. single. day. What to wear? Well, when it came to wardrobing and my wedding, I instantly became a stylist with a vision for the event. Think: pink and green, preppy, nautical, classic, elegant, and pure bridal bliss. While THE DRESS will not be revealed until after the big day (207 days to go - silent squeal at my desk), here is what the rest of the wedding party will be wearing.

Bridesmaid dresses: J Crew Cotton Cady Madeleine dress in azalea. Check out the bow behind the neck - adore it.

Groomsmen: navy blazers, "Nantucket greens" (you know, Nantucket reds but in green), white shirts, and pink and green Vineyard Vines ties. They are going to be hand-some.

Flower girl: you knew Lilly Pulitzer would make an appearance in the wedding party! The adorable Julia dress will look darling on our lovely little flower girl.

Ring bearers: navy blazers, khaki shorts, and pink and green ties. They will be the most adorable little boys to ever walk down the aisle - trust me.

THE SHOES: these beauties will be on my little tootsies under THE DRESS. I love them so much they deserve a post all their own, but for now consider this a little sneak peek.

Disclaimer: this is not my actual engagement ring, but it is a princess cut diamond set in white gold and I needed to add a little sparkle to my inspiration board.


01 February 2010

Wedding Week

I hereby declare this WEDDING WEEK. For all the time I spend daydreaming about the big day that I will become a Mrs., I have not given this event enough blog love. So this entire week I will eat, sleep, and blog weddings. Today, here are the basics to get you up to speed on the blessed day on which mJa and mMd will become mMm.

Rehearsal Dinner:

Ceremony: Holy Trinity Church

Reception: the harbor directly behind, the beach to the right - we heart the ocean.

Flowers: pink and green hydrangeas

Transportation: yachts and trolleys

Music: 7 piece band

Cake: tasting this weekend!


Until tomorrow... (I can't give away TOO much on the first day!)
