
16 February 2010

Wonderful Wedding Weekend

I'm back after a long weekend and a mini-blogcation with LOTS of updates! In wedding world, we accomplished tres much. It is a fantastic feeling to see everything come together and check some things off the ever-so-long to do list. Saturday we began by visiting the land of buttercream and fondant with our cake tasting. We designed our cake (which I adore - more details to come in a future post) and then the real fun began when we were handed forks... let's just say this served as our lunch for the day and we both left on a little sugar high. Next it was off to pick up our wedding bands which led to another kind of high - a diamond high. After filling up and having a moment in the jeweler (yes, we are that couple), it was off to the Land Rover dealership. I think after all the frosting and diamonds Fiancé was craving a little dose of something manly. It is my theory that cars are to boys as diamonds are to girls. (Aren't we girls lucky? Diamonds are SO much prettier.) A quick chat with the salesman and a test drive around town, and we were on our way back to wedding world. In one stop at the outlets, we completely outfitting the groom and groomsmen. Brooks Brothers had the perfect green pants, and JCrew took care of the navy blazers, white shirts, and the most perfect pink ties with green palm trees. I also picked up some amazing pieces at JCrew for myself (some work-to-weekend finds that were just too good to pass up) that I will share once my new wardrobe and I have a little photo shoot. Valentine's Day (our affianced Valentine's Day!) was lovely, which also deserves a post all its own. More details to come soon - promise, promise. Yesterday Mother and I headed up to Priscilla of Boston for my accessories appointment with my bridal consultant. I found my veil and the most. amazing. piece. of. bridal. jewelry. ever. I wish I could share more because I could gush for hours, but Fiancé tends to pop in to Pink Champagne from time to time, and I cannot reveal anything before the Church-doors-open moment. Mother tried on a few mother of the bride dress options while we were in the city, and then we were off to meet my dad and Fiancé for dinner. As if this were not enough wedding errands for one weekend, I also came across the perfect bridesmaid presents for the girls and ordered them last night. In case one of them reads this, I cannot reveal what they are until the wedding has passed and I am officially a Mrs. (Is this too many surprises for one post?)

Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

PS - It is snowing outside again... when will Spring get here? This girl has new clothes to wear!


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