
04 February 2010

Wedding Week Installment 4: Making a list and checking it twice

Yes, I know the Christmas season has long passed, so I apologize for the cheesy Santa reference in the title. Today is all about the list. As I logged into the knot today, I was informed:
-there are 205 days until our wedding day is here (silent squeal of excitement/slight increase in blood pressure)
-checklist = to-dos on list: 134, completed to-dos: 55 (more rapid increase in blood pressure)
... wait, this has not been updated for a little while... check off some things that are complete, click update, and cross fingers...
-checklist = to-dos on list: 123, completed to-dos: 66 (slightly better)

The reason the knot checklist has not been updated in a little while is because frankly it just doesn't do it for this bride-to-be. So many little details that are floating around in my soon-to-be veil-wearing head that just aren't included on their list. What about ring bearer pillows? What about the new bikinis and dresses that must be purchased for our Figian honeymoon? What about selecting the perfect shades of pink and green paint for our mini sailboats being made as place settings? On that note, what about compiling a list of themed table names??? Not trusting the knot to keep track of these essential extras, I turn to my own devices and compile my own unique wedding to do list. Since the entire list is far too long, I present to you the items that must be done this week.

1. Try on bridesmaid dresses at J Crew with the girls - to be done Saturday before our girly get-together.
2. Reschedule cake tasting with the bakery.
3. Reschedule accessories appointment with Priscilla's - shouldn't they have notified me that next Sunday at noon was not just any Sunday, but VALENTINE'S DAY? Most brides-to-be will be spending this day with their fiancés, yes?
4. Call florist to inquire about follow-up appointment - I want to start nailing down some details!
5. Finalize guest list in order to be able to complete number 6.
6. Speak with designer, select paper, and plan to print Save the Dates!
7. Pick up wedding bands - these beauties will be in our possession next weekend. Three cheers for more diamonds.
8. Announce engagement in local papers. Who doesn't want to be a local celebrity for the day and appear in the society pages (even better, the wedding pages)?

Wish me luck! There is no better feeling than making that line through a completed task on your list (other than slipping your foot into a brand new flowered peep-toe heel, of course)...


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