
19 February 2010

Photo Friday

It has recently dawned on me that since I am getting married in nearly 6 months (O.M.G.), I only have a little time left in my single-girl-in-her-twenties-apartment. I decided that before I move out as a farewell to my girly living space, I want to throw a fabulous coctail party totally channeling Breakfast at Tiffany's - little black dresses and all. In the meantime, I decided to host a Mardi Gras coctail party for our friends in town. Translation = a few people will come over and drink wine while wearing beads. Since we are no longer in college and consider Tuesday a "work night" (oh, the joys of growing up and being an adult), we decided tonight would be a better option.  Sooooo, for Photo Friday, I present to you a glimpse of my Mardi Gras decked out apartment.  

Happy Friday and happy belated Mardi Gras!


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