
09 February 2010

Belated Weekend Recap

I know this comes a tad bit late, but I blame it on the Monday Blues (see previous post). Today is off to a much better start since this girl learns from her mistakes. Example: yesterday I learned that extreme wind and a black jeweled headband make for quite a mess when gone unchecked. Today, a quick brush of the hair upon arrival at my desk prevented such disasters. With my affairs (and hair) much more in order today, I have time for a quick weekend recap.

Saturday night I met my bffs for a belated birthday get togeher in my honor. 3 of my 5 bridesmaids finally reunited for dinner, drinks, and birthday cake (twice... was it really necessary to have a piece before and after we went out??? I have a wedding dress to fit into!). It was such fun to catch up, dance the night away, and have a slumber party after just like our high school days. A bonus was being able to play with my MOH's adorable 8-month-old son - we could not get enough of him and his little cheeks. Isn't it so nice how some things never change with best friends?
Sunday morning, I was welcomed home by meeting Fiancé, my future in-laws, and some family friends at our favorite brunch spot. We ended the weekend with the game, but the actual game was not the highlight of Super Bowl Sunday for me. I'm not a huge football fan now that my cheerleading days are in the past, but I was happy to see the Saints win. This girl would choose gold and fleur de lis over royal blue and horseshoes anyday. (And I think the positive effects New Orleans will feel as a result of the win are wonderful.) Our little gathering turned into wedding chat over wine with my future mother-in-law and Fiancé's godmother (what fun!) while Fiancé and his dad watched the game. We did pause to watch a few commercials (what the Super Bowl is all about) - I adore those E-trade babies. Precious!

All in all, it was a wonderful weekend and I can't believe that I am here sitting at my desk again, already Tuesday morning. Valentine's weekend, please get here quick!



  1. i'm glad your week is getting better :)

  2. looove slumber parties and best friends :)

  3. It sounds like a delightful weekend Miss Pink Champagne, and much-needed! BTW, congratulations on the countdown hitting 200 days, it is getting closer!

  4. I hope you're well! xoe


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