
25 February 2010

Fabulous Alert!

My dear friend, co-worker, and fellow Lilly lover KC just alerted me of some tres blog-worthy news, and I just had to share it with you all. Coco Chanel is introducing a new lipstick line entitled Rouge Coco Hydrating Créme Lip Colour (see, I told you it was fabulous! How could it not be with a name like that?) 

As if this were not fabulous enough, (how many times can I use the word "fabulous" in one post without going over the limit and receiving a citation from the fashion blogging rulers?) the featured color is named "Mademoiselle". Tres, tres fabuloso (I declare I can get away with one more by adding the "o" to the end). Sigh. J'adore!

“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” Coco Chanel



  1. Love it! I'm not normally a lipstick wearer- but if anyone can convert me its Chanel!

  2. i'm addicted to chanel makeup...when i got that email, i was so excited!


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