
30 April 2010

Photo Friday at the Derby

Tomorrow is the Kentucky Derby! The hats, the dresses, the fashion, the grandeur, the excitement of the competition... oh how I wish I could be a part of it all. Sigh. In honor of tomorrow's fabulous festivities:

Happy Derby Day! Hope you will be wearing a fabulous hat and holding a mint julep in your hand!

29 April 2010

Pink & Green Thursday

Three cheers for Thursday, and three cheers for PINK & GREEN! Let's play with Trish again! Shall we go to the carnival?

28 April 2010

Royal Engagements

I always put the Today Show on as I get ready for work, and this morning I stopped mid mascara-swipe, dropped my makeup on my vanity, and ran into the living room... why? I heard two words: princess and engagement. I have always had an obsession fascination with the royal family and like many (all?) little girls, dreamed of being a princess and living in a palace. (Who cares about the logistics and that "Princess" is not a realistic when-I-grow-up aspiration, short of being born or marrying into the royal family? You get to wear a crown and wear beautiful gowns!) I digress. They were discussing the broken engagement of Princess Madeleine of Sweden from Jonas Bergstrom and rumors of his infidelity (no comment from the royal court, in the most diplomatic fashion). Très triste! As an engaged girl myself, my heart goes out to the poor girl.

And here, in a picture montage, a glimpse into the engagements and nuptials of royalty:
Princess Madeleine miling with the newly-engaged glow. Perhaps his wandering eye in this picture is an indication of what was to come?
Her sister, Crown Princess Victoria, is still very much engaged and looks lucky-in-love in her engagement photos with fiancé Daniel Westling.
Are they next? We can only wait (and hope... can you imagine the wedding?!?!)
And it would be a royal crime to forget Princess Diana and her fairy tale wedding (without the fairy tale ending) to Prince Charles. Although this was before I was born, I still drool over the grand event in which a girl became a princess.

27 April 2010

The Gospel According to Coco Chanel

And my second literary purchase was:
Delving into the long, extraordinary life of renowned French fashion designer Coco Chanel, Karen Karbo has written a new kind of book, exploring Chanel’s philosophy on a range of universal themes—from style to passion, from money and success to femininity and living life on your own terms.

Born in 1883 in a poorhouse in southern France to unmarried parents, Chanel was raised in a convent after her mother died when she was six and her father abandoned her. The nuns taught her to sew, and while working as a café singer in the early 1900s she began designing hats for fun. Her lovers included a wealthy English industrialist, who helped her set up her own millinery shop and steered his society friends her way.

Chanel grew up to be the woman who not only gave us the little black dress and boxy jackets, but also popularized pants for women and easy, practical clothes that allowed women a chic freedom they’d never known before. In her strong-headed, elegant, opinionated, passionate, entirely French way, Coco Chanel helped bring women into the modern era. She was the only fashion icon to be named one of TIME magazine’s 100 Most Influential People of the 20th Century.

The Gospel According to Coco Chanel is a captivating, offbeat look at style, celebrity, and self-invention—all held together with Karbo’s droll Chanel-style commentary and culled from an examination of Chanel’s difficult childhood and triumphant adulthood, passionate love affairs, career choices, habits, eccentricities, and personal philosophies. Weaving Chanel’s life story into chapter themes that subtly convey life lessons, and with Chesley McLaren’s charming illustrations, it will leave the reader utterly entranced with, and inspired by, Chanel’s amazing individuality, confidence, and determination.

Tres chic. Le sigh.
Grace and Coco will be quite the dynamic duo on my coffee table I suspect...

26 April 2010

A Touch of Grace

In the tradition of What Would Jackie Do? and How to Be Lovely: The Audrey Hepburn Way of Life, here is a "Guide to Life" tribute to Grace Kelly that will instruct and inspire fans on all ways to live with a "touch of grace."

Even before she became Princess of Monaco in an elaborate wedding ceremony in 1956, Grace Kelly's iconic status and personification of elegance was secured through her legendary roles in Dial M for Murder, To Catch a Thief, and Rear Window. A Touch of Grace features guidance on living gracefully, inspired by Grace Kelly's life: from fashion tips, to catching a prince, to how to play it cool. With rare and never-before-seen photos, anecdotes, quotes, and other biographical commentary, this little compendium will show any woman how to cultivate her own style, charm, and noble flair.

Isn't this just the most perfect coffee table book? I just picked it up (along with another beauty - to be revealed in a post to come... is the suspense killing you?) and cannot wait to delve into this. Don't you just adore Grace?

23 April 2010

Photo Friday: British Edition

One of my favorites taken in London... oh how I want to go back!

22 April 2010

Pink & Green Thursday

The lovely Trish at Pink Preppy Lilly Lover has begun Pink & Green Thursday, and I'm so excited to play along! Grab her button and come play with us, too! (And if you haven't already, visit her blog - she is an absolute doll!)

Ride away with me...

And in honor of Earth Day:

21 April 2010

Pretty Prada

Pretty (and pink!) Prada on Bluefly today!

20 April 2010

13 Going on 30?

This morning, I caught myself singing and dancing in my car on my way into work to "Eenie Meenie Miney Mo Lover". Catchy, right? When the song and my performance ended, the radio announcer informed me that Justin Bieber is the singer behind this tune. Wait... the Justin Bieber that everyone's tween DAUGHTER goes gaga for? Am I 13 going on 30 (or 27)???
Although he is a pretty cute little kid, I must say.

PS - The adorable Sweet Southern Prep is hosting her first giveaway. Congrats on 50 followers, lovely!  

19 April 2010

Playing Catch Up

It was such a busy weekend, so we have lots of catching up to do! Here is what Pink Champagne has been up to for the past few days:
-Thursday night after work I met one of my dear friends for dinner that I have not seen in almost two years - how time flies! She recently moved back from NYC, and it was so fantastic to see her again and catch up on our lives. Dinner, dessert, and the wine were delish! Aren't old friends the best?
-Friday after work, my mother and I went for a makeup consulation at the salonspa where I get my hair done (one of her pre-wedding presents to me). Such fun experimenting with different colors and getting some professional tips!  Aaaaand I booked a pre-wedding facial while we were there - more pampering to look forward to. *Big smile*
-Saturday was my bff and maid of honor's (who is also getting married this summer - beyond thrilled!) bridal shower. The day went perfectly, the bride-to-be looked beautiful, and it was a lovely day of catching up with so many girls that I wish I could see more often. Bonus: the girls stayed in town for the night, so we met later in the night for wine and dessert. LOVE nights like this with Fiancé and the bffs.
-Sunday began with crepes at our favorite spot and a long walk on the beach searching for seaglass. This has become part of Fiancé's and my weekend routine, and I treasure these lazy days spent with my love. We found some gorgeous lavender pieces (super-rare) and a whole bottle (no message inside) washed up on the beach. The afternoon was time to get to work doing some projects on what will be our newlywed home. Father and Fiancé did the crown molding around the chimney and painted in what will be our master bedroom, while I painted the front door french blue. Yes, I painted (pat self on back) and I still have the blue spots on my pink fingernails (MUST touch up tonight) to prove it!  Pictures to come once the finished product makes its debut... pinky promise.
-Wedding updates: hair, makeup, and our videographer are booked! Three things crossed off the list make me one very happy bride-to-be. Invitations, menus, table names, programs, and place settings are next on the list. Three cheers for paper products!

Hope you all had a lovely weekend too and your Monday is treating you just as well!

16 April 2010

Photo Friday

In the spirit of celebrating Lilly Summer
Happy Friday! XO

15 April 2010

A Very Lilly Summer

The Lilly Pulitzer Summer 2010 Collection has been revealed, and I have a very long lust-list! Be still my heart. Here are just a few of my favorites:
Love white in the summer, and love ruffles any season! I have also decided that I MUST have a big sun-hat this summer and for the honeymoon - tres glamorous.
Pretty, sunny color, pretty white embellishments, and pretty pleating. Just plain PRETTY!
Classic shift, pretty print, and lovely lace. And seashells just scream summer by the sea!
ADORING the neckline and lace and on this lovely. Isn't the lace bib just to die? And pink? Perfect! I may have a very special event in mind for this piece...
 Maybe I'll just buy them all... summertime is Lilly-time after all, right?
Be sure to head over to Maryland Pink & Green and enter her giveaway for gorgeous Loren Hope jewelry - perfectly paired with any Lilly piece!

14 April 2010

Honest Honor

I'm being showered with love! Thanks so much to the adorable Sweet Southern Prep for another wonderful award!
The rules for this award are simple: state 10 things about yourself, then pass this award along to 10 other blogs. Here are my 10, take 2:

1. I am a hopeless romantic. I believe in fairy tales and happily ever afters. I am in love with being in LOVE.
2. When I was little and was asked what I want to be when I grow up, I would answer a super model. This is still secretly my dream job.
3. You will never catch me with my nails or toes not perfectly polished (usually a shade of pink). Some might say I'm obsessed.
4. I could not imagine not living on the ocean, and the best summer days and nights are spent on the boat with one person. I have an infinite number of tickets for Sunset Harbor Cruises.
5. Sweet always trumps salty. Chocolate is the way to my heart.
6. There is a part of me deep inside that loves old school Madonna, the Spice Girls, Paula Abdul, Tiffany, and Whitney Houston. Blame it on being a child of the 80s...
7. I danced for 11 years, cheered for 14 years, and still dance around my apartment. I wish tutus could be worn in everyday life.
8. I can juggle - although I will never run away and join the circus, it came in handy to entertain the kids during my tennis teaching and cheerleading days.
9. I'm a lady. I believe manners matter and etiquette is essential.
10. I sleep in a fluffy bed with satin sheets and sometimes wear an eyemask. I dot my i's with hearts.
Now the time has come for me to share
A little bloggy love to show I care
It's an award sent just for you
Because I really enjoy what you do!

Please visit these fabulous blogs!
Pink Preppy Lilly Lover
A Classy, Southern Bride
Peach Bellini Bride
.sparkles and sundresses.
the NEO-traditionalist
Beantown Prepster: Part Deux
Let the Tide Pull Your Dreams Ashore
Smart and Sassy with Sprinkles
Monograms & Martinis in Manhattan/Boston
Everything is Better Pink