
22 April 2010

Pink & Green Thursday

The lovely Trish at Pink Preppy Lilly Lover has begun Pink & Green Thursday, and I'm so excited to play along! Grab her button and come play with us, too! (And if you haven't already, visit her blog - she is an absolute doll!)

Ride away with me...

And in honor of Earth Day:


  1. I want those shirts so bad! Great pink and green post. :)

  2. very nice!! i'm going to have to get in on this pink & green thursday that trish started! i totally look forward to it! :-)

  3. I love your bike pics ~ and Lilly ~ we are sympatico! ;) xoxo

  4. Love Pink & Green Thursday's and that adorable Lilly bike you posted.

  5. I would gladly take any one of these bikes with a little basket attached on the front.

  6. Great post! I love those pictures. The bike with the lights is my favorite :).


  7. Those shorts are too cute and I really want the LP bike. xoxo

  8. I love that bright pink bike --- does it say Hermes?!

  9. OOOH sweetheart you did such a beautiful job! I am so majorly impressed with your pink skills, you are a little doll :) Those bikes are all so adorable, I just can't decide which one I like best! Aren't those shorts precious? I think you would look so cute in them! I am dying to try them on, hopefully they aren't too high waisted. Thanks so much for playing along, I'm going to add a little linky next week so more people know to come check out your Pink & Green picks!! :) XOXO Love you sweetie have a great weekend!


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO