
28 April 2010

Royal Engagements

I always put the Today Show on as I get ready for work, and this morning I stopped mid mascara-swipe, dropped my makeup on my vanity, and ran into the living room... why? I heard two words: princess and engagement. I have always had an obsession fascination with the royal family and like many (all?) little girls, dreamed of being a princess and living in a palace. (Who cares about the logistics and that "Princess" is not a realistic when-I-grow-up aspiration, short of being born or marrying into the royal family? You get to wear a crown and wear beautiful gowns!) I digress. They were discussing the broken engagement of Princess Madeleine of Sweden from Jonas Bergstrom and rumors of his infidelity (no comment from the royal court, in the most diplomatic fashion). Très triste! As an engaged girl myself, my heart goes out to the poor girl.

And here, in a picture montage, a glimpse into the engagements and nuptials of royalty:
Princess Madeleine miling with the newly-engaged glow. Perhaps his wandering eye in this picture is an indication of what was to come?
Her sister, Crown Princess Victoria, is still very much engaged and looks lucky-in-love in her engagement photos with fiancé Daniel Westling.
Are they next? We can only wait (and hope... can you imagine the wedding?!?!)
And it would be a royal crime to forget Princess Diana and her fairy tale wedding (without the fairy tale ending) to Prince Charles. Although this was before I was born, I still drool over the grand event in which a girl became a princess.


  1. Such beautiful women!!! it bad that I still dream of being a princess one day? Hahaha.

  2. I still love when my daddy calls me princess!

    Too sad Princess D's story didn't have a happy ending. Such an amazing woman!

  3. i confess, i am a royal watcher and was so sad by the Today show story this morning...but anxiously await the kate & wills engagement. i have "heard" the palace has ordered a great number of CASES OF CHAMPAGNE but there is nothing on the calendar to celebrate....yet! it will be fun to watch. I remember watching the Princess di prince charles wedding.

  4. Love all of these wonderful photos. I really hope he picks Kate! She seems so sweet and fashionable!

    You guessed the location correctly! I cannot believe you and your fiance have already been there. My hubby and I went there before we were married too. So what would compare to that for your honeymoon? Have y'all decided where you're going?

  5. Ahh...i still remember crying my little eyes out when we lost Princess Diana! So sad. She really was a true Princess! I hope you are having a fabulous day!!!

  6. oh gosh... a girl can dream can't she! :o) to be a princess... even for just a week. {a day would obviously not be enough!}

  7. Oh I hope the rumours are TRUE! Kate and William would be a gorgeous royal couple. :) That photo of Princess Madeline is gorgeous! xoxoxox

  8. Oh, I so want to be a princess! I mean, a real one, not like Cinderella. I too am fascinated by royalty, very cool post! Love your little pink world, so happy to find you, and I'm definitely following!

  9. Great Post!! Ohhhh to be a princess!

  10. such beautiful girls, I wish I could be a princess! :) hope your wedding is as glam as a royal one

  11. I'm a debutante this year and our presentation is in June. I love feeling like a princess for it and a fairytale wedding? All the better.

  12. What a wonderful post! What little girl don't dream about something like how you keep me all caught up with the royals! You rock! xoxo

  13. What an amazingly good looking couple. It's a shame they broke up, because I want to see how precious their babies would be! Now I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed for Prince William and Kate Middleton.


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