
29 April 2010

Pink & Green Thursday

Three cheers for Thursday, and three cheers for PINK & GREEN! Let's play with Trish again! Shall we go to the carnival?


  1. yay for carnival and pink & green thursday! what a perfectly fun little (virtual) escape you just took me on! i used to love riding the swings...but i must admit, the carousel makes me dizzy in my old age!

  2. Awww!! These pictures are great!!!!!! I especially love that last one! Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :)

  3. These are amazing pictures! Something about the lighting is so romantic! Hope your having a wonderful day! xoxo

  4. Very cute post. Makes me think of my childhood.

    I found your Pink & Green Thursday post via Trish's linky thing. Isn't this so much fun???

    Great way to find other cool blogs and meet new people!

    Happy Thursday! :)

  5. So great! Love all those photos. Pink and green is everywhere at the circus. Cannot wait to take my daughters someday. :)

  6. Happy Pink and Green Thursday! Hope you're having a fab day!

  7. Hey sweetheart, what an absolutely charming post, I just love the magic of the first photo, and of course our beloved PARIS! They are all so soft and sweet, the last one of the couple makes my heart go pitter patter!

    Thank you so much for playing, I just love that you're having so much fun! You are definitely a natural finding the pinks cutie pie! xoxoxo Three cheers for YOU!!


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO