
03 June 2010

Pink & Green Vespas

Happy Pink & Green Thursday! Come play along with Trish and I (and join the blog hop here), and come along for a ride with me!
May all your Thursdays be pink and green!


  1. I think honestly ever since I first saw Roman Holiday as a child I have wanted a Vespa, ha! I love them - I would just dislike the helmet hair!

  2. Such unique pictures! Thanks for entering my giveaway!

  3. Hey babydoll, thanks so much for the lovely Pink & Green Thursday post! Let's each hop on a pink vespa and hit the town, wouldn't it be fun??! Hope you had a blast in NYC - sending you a big kiss! xoxo


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO