
02 June 2010

California Girls

Can't stop singing and dancing to this song... the favorite of summer for 2010 perhaps? ;)
Enjoy (and bop away at your desk with me)! And be sure to enter Sweet Southern Prep's fabulous giveaway!


  1. Love that song!!!! I just heard it about a week ago. Katy Perry is such a doll. :)

  2. I'm going to go ahead and admit that I have not yet heard this song?! I know, where have I been, ha ha! Thanks for sharing - it'll be added to my iTunes now!

    PS - love your blog, it's super cute!

  3. I just love her! Delta's Sky magazine this month featured her, and she is quite an interesting person. Brains and beauty - great combination.

  4. I saw a glimpse of her performing the song live on tv the other day. She was wearing a Malibu Barbie dress, you know with the palm trees and sequins. I loved the dress, and have been searching for a picture of it everywhere!

  5. This song totally puts you in a good mood. I saw something with her the other day...something about being the #1 hottest Maxim girl or something?? I love that her look is different, but super hot!

  6. Oh I love this song too!

  7. Thanks for the shout-out! I love the new song too! A good running song perhaps?


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