
04 June 2010

Photo Friday: NYC

Let's hear it for Neeeew York! I'm headed to NYC this weekend for my BFF and MOH's bachelorette party. Cannot wait to spend the weekend with these ladies shopping, sightseeing, brunching, dancing, and drinking cosmos a la Sex and the City. Have a fabulous weekend, lovelies!


  1. Oh wow!!!! That's going to be so much fun!!!! Have a blast and take lots of pictures! :)

  2. My favorite place!!!!!! I don't know if yall have all of your restaurant plans set out yet, you may. But I went to Hundred Acres in the Village for lunch over Thanksgiving, and it was heavenly!! Absolutely hands down the best grilled cheese (with walnuts and sliced apples) and pommes frites ever!

    Other faves are Asia de Cuba and Artisinal Bistro. I heart NY!

  3. Start speading the news,
    I'm leavin' today,
    I want to be a part of it, New York, New York.
    If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere....if you think this is bad you should here my voice.
    Give Chanel, Versace, Hermes, Marc, Christian, Manolo, and Carrie My love and bumpkin kisses.

  4. Gorgeous pics of NYC!!!! Have a blast sweet little lady, I wish I could be there to play in the big city with youuuu!! xoxoxox Miss you and hope we can catch up next week honey :)

  5. Wow- great pics! I love New York. Have a fabulously Carrie-worthy time. xx


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