
25 June 2010

Photo Friday: Peacocks!

My Best Friend's Wedding (note the Julia Roberts reference) is this weekend, and I am bursting with excitement. Her theme is peacock feathers and their colors, so in her honor here are a few lovelies for Photo Friday. Enjoy!
Congratulations to the soon-to-be Mr. & Mrs! *Big bear hugs and air kisses!*


  1. is there any wonder last year's lilly collection was all pea-cocky?!? such rich, vibrant colors!! i know you will be a beautiful bridesmaid...mandatory before you walk down the aisle yourself! have a blast! (the weather is looking GREAT!!!)

  2. Oh, I adore peacock feathers! There's something so glamorous about them! I hope you have a fabulous weekend celebrating your friend's wedding! Love to you! xoxo

  3. Hey my lovey! Can I just tell you this post is VERY Dustjacket Attic! DJ would be most proud I am sure! :) Absolutely beautiful images. Have a blast this weekend sweetie pie, hugs and kissies! xoxo

  4. Oh wow- I am OBSESSED with peacocks!! All these pictures are great- especially the 'eye' ones, that must take a few hours in the makeup chair!!

  5. Visiting for Follow Friday. I just love her theme-how original!

  6. LOVE the theme! Just so you know I do still have the capris and I would love to sell them to you! Here is my e-mail let me know your address and such! Thanks so much :)Have a wonderful time at the wedding!

  7. I apologize to post again but my e-mail is I so rarely use this one that I forgot :) If it doesn't work please let me know.

  8. Love those heels! So artsy and fab! Great peacock post. :)

  9. Oh I just loooove peacocks!!! Cheers. Xoxo-BLC

  10. I loved the one Lilly peacock stuff! I love those pics you posted!

  11. shut the front door! that eye make up is so cool!!!

    love love love it!

    have fun at the wedding!

  12. Hey lovely lady, hope you had a blast at the wedding this past weekend! Come on over when you have a moment, I've got a fun tag for you. Kissies!!!! xoxoxo

  13. very cool images! that peacock makeup is soo cool and somewhat perfect to make a statement at the next party...

  14. What a stunning post. I just adore the color palette!


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