
30 June 2010

Cute Questionnaire

The wedding was lovely, the bride was absolutely breathtaking, and we had a fantastic time! I'm back from my best friend and MOH's wedding, and I was greeted with a terrific tag from my blogging bff Trish over at Pink Preppy Lilly Lover. Visit Trish if you are not already acquainted - she is an absolute doll and just the sweetest! Thanks for the fun tag, lovely! I've missed you all dearly and can't wait to dive right in!

favorite color?
PINK. Have we met???

favorite restaurant?
This is a tricky one, because Fiancé and I sure do love fine dining! One of our favorite spots is the Chatham Bars Inn on Cape Cod... breathtaking ocean views, scrumptious seafood, to-die-for desserts, and we always spend hours with a bottle of wine of champagne in front of the huge fire place. My stomach is growling now!

Boating. Being on the water with the sun beating down, the breeze blowing, and my love by my side is pure bliss.
Dancing. Alone in my underwear, with my best girlfriends all dolled up, with Fiancé in the living room, or reliving my 11 years of dance classes... any kind of dancing is fine by me!
Tennis. While I no longer play competitively, I still love to throw on a little white skirt and swing a racket.
Being sung to. What girl doesn't go gaga when she is serenaded?

what does your room look like?
My current room is the ultimate girly escape, complete with satin bedding and French Vogue photos framed on the walls. For our newlywed master bedroom (currently in the works), we have gone with a very classic, traditional feel. Restoration Hardware monogrammed (our soon-to-be MARRIED monogram) white bedding with silver sage embroidery, pale blue walls, and a white brick chimney as a central landmark. I cannot wait to hang a gorgeous chandelier to complete the look. I believe EVERY room should have a chandelier. Tres elegant and romantic!

if you could have dinner with two people, dead or alive, who would they be?
Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe. Audrey was just the sweetest most elegant lady, and I'm sure Marilyn would have some juicy stories to tell!

what is your next big splurge?

With the wedding coming up, the honeymoon on its' heels, boating season upon us, and so many home projects in the works, saving is our goal. I already bought Fiancé's wedding present (TOP SECRET... you are going to LOVE it, darling!), but I will say that was it if I'm allowed to bend the rules and choose my last big splurge.  

what is your favorite joke, quote or saying?
"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone." -Audrey Hepburn
Proof of why I adore Audrey!

anything else you would like known? (a random fact)
Monday was exactly 2 months until my wedding day, and I can feel the excitement building more and more each day. I think I'm going to burst soon!
This was such fun! I tag these lovely ladies:
-brown eyed belle
-bumpkin on a swing
-the pink prep
-pink peonies and pearls
-lily lemontree
-nola girl
Enjoy! xoxo

PS - have you seen Sweet Southern Prep's Lilly giveaway? Too adorable for words - you MUST check it out!


  1. Awww you have the best answers!!!! I really enjoyed reading them!!!! I love to dance too!! Your favorite restaurant sounds amazing and I'd like to go there myself!!!! :)

    I'm so excited for you on your wedding!! AHH!!! 2 months!!!!!! Can't WAIT to hear more details and see some pictures!!!!!!

  2. Yay!! I wanted to do this questionnaire! But was embarrassed to just snatch it up without being tagged, lol. Thank you, lady! Can't wait to do this :) Oh, and I love that quote! One of my favorites! Love you, honey! xoxo

  3. This is such a fun tag! Love all of your comments. I'm the same with you as far as tennis goes.

    By the way, have you been counting down the days until the Bonanno's arrive? I just remembered I'd ordered them. When do you think they'll get here???

  4. Love all the pics and your new bedding. Gorgeous!

  5. YAY to dancing in your underwear!! Love that's one of your 'hobbies'! ;-)

    And YAY to Lisa at Bumpkin on a Swing!! I love her!!

  6. That restaurant looks amazing...and I'm totally swooning over that bedding!

  7. So cute!!! I love your new bedding for your master bedroom! So classic and preppy!!!

  8. Love your bedding and the idea of a chandelier is fabulous! Thanks for tagging me, I will respond today! By the way, I sent out your capris early yesterday morning :) If you wouldn't mind, send me an e-mail when you receive them? I don't want those lovely Lilly capris just floating around out there!

  9. Why thank you, I was busy squealing over the girl in the black and white polka dots dancing that I almost missed this!

  10. What a fun tag! I don't know how I almost missed this post. Luckily I had a few moments tonight to go back to my favourite blogs and make sure I didn't miss anything. Thank you so very much for thinking of me, I will get on this right away!!!
    Hope you are having a great week!


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO