
24 June 2010

Pink & Green Thursday

I present to you, the most perfect pink and green photo ever. Le sigh.
Play along, and may all your Thursdays be Pink & Green! XO


  1. Oh my! You did it! You found the most lovely P&G photo of all time! That dress is heavenly and the shoes are perfect!

  2. You aren't lying, lady! That is seriously the most gorgeous, perfect P&G I've ever seen! That beautiful lace over the green on the dress and the shoes. Oh, the shoes!!!! Congratulations on making all pink and green lovers drool today :) Hugs and kisses, honey!

  3. You are pretty amazing girl!! This picture is beautiful!!! :D

  4. That is one of the most beautiful dress I have ever seen!! MY GOSH.

  5. Gorgeous! You're right- the most perfect P&G photo ever! xoxo

  6. Stopping over from Pink & Green Thursday... this picture is perfect! :)

    Love the blog - new follower!

  7. I've never seen a more perfect pink and green image. Heavenly!

  8. That picture is just fabulous! Love it! Hope you had a great Pink and Green Thursday!

  9. OH. MY. WORD. Call the paramedics, I almost passed out when I saw this image, ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! You so win for the most glamorous, elegant, sophisticated pink and green image of the week! I am so impressed with you little miss, you are amazing! xoxoxo Mwah!


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO