
07 June 2010

Pink Perfection

I'm too tired and busy at work today to give you a full recap of this weekend's festivities (such fun - this post will come soon... pinky promise), so my plan is to distract you with Prada, Christian Louboutins, and lots of pink. Is it working...?
Pink Prada silk dress, Bulgari emeralds, and pink Louboutin peep-toes... don't you just adore Gweneth?

Can't wait to catch up you, dolls! PS - I'm finally going to see SATC2 tonight, so I can stop avoiding posts about the movie like the plague as of tomorrow. Can't contain my excitement... the day is HERE!!!


  1. Awww!! She looks so cute!! Love that shade of pink! :)

    Can't wait to hear about your weekend!!!

  2. I agree, she looks stunning! Such a great dress.


  3. Love that dress! Have fun at the movies! I still haven't seen it yet either! I need to figure that out!

  4. She looked SO incredible in that dress. Love!

  5. I saw the movie last night too! I'm dying to know what you thought!!!

  6. Love Gwyneth and loved that dress!


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO