
12 May 2010

Sail Away With Me

Doesn't this old spread from Vogue just make you want to sail away? Can you feel the breeze in your hair and hear the waves? So whimsical...
The stripes, the sunglasses, the hats, the Louboutins... a nautical girl's dream come true!


  1. Awww I just LOVE nautical themed outfits. I was a sailor for Halloween last year!! Also, my maiden name is Saylor and I love wearing nautical things to match. That fourth picture is TOO CUTE! Love these! Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. Love nautical everything. Definitely a summer staple for me. Wish I had those CLs to add to my shoe closet...yes, that'd be nice. :)

  3. I want to go where they're going!!! I love nautical themed fashion!

  4. Love the outfits. And I love your blog name and quote, cant wait to continue to follow!

  5. Love it! Im planning my baby boys 1st birthday with nautical - love seersucker!

  6. Oh how adorable! Reminds me so much of you...I know how much you love being on/near the water. Are you and your sweet fiance still doing your sunset champagne nights on the weekends? Picture #2 is SO YOU! I could just imagine you rockin' a little bubble mini skirt and heels on a sailboat! I've missed you too sweetie, thanks for your super sweet comments as always. Lots of love! xox


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO