
13 May 2010

Girls' Getaway

Hi lovelies! I am headed to Miami Beach this weekend with a few of my best girlfriends to soak up some sun and some quality girl-time. I am hopping on a plane this afternoon and won't be returning until Sunday - CANNOT wait to lie on a sandy beach in the sun beside these ladies (but I'll miss FiancĂ© oh-so much!). I'll miss all of you dearly too and can't wait to catch up on Monday - have a wonderful weekend! XO


  1. fun, fun -- have a blast -- don't burn -- and be sure to have some champagne for moi! (ps -- bring back some warm, sunny weather pretty please?!)

  2. Have a wonderful time! Take lots of pics! :)

  3. Have a wonderful weekend away! Your girls' weekend sounds divine. :)

  4. Have a great weekend. From the sound of it, I don't see how you can't!

  5. There is NOTHING better- have an amazing time, my 'girlfriend getaways' are always memories made for a lifetime! xx

  6. Have fun, can't wait to see the pics (there WILL be pics, right?!) XO!

  7. I love your blog title :) I live in Florida so hope you enjoyed the warm weather! :)


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO