
11 April 2013

Threads & Red Soles

Photo via

Have you heard that Shop It To Me is launching Threads? As you may know, I am one of SITM's Trendsetters, and I was thrilled at the news of this exciting new site! What girl wouldn't want to shop her favorite designers and trends with the ease of only seeing items on sale available in her size, right?

What really drew me in...they are giving away a pair of Louboutins to one lucky girl who signs up for the new site. You know my weakness for the red sole! 

Here are all the details: 

To enter: 
1. Sign up for
2. Follow @ShopItToMe on Twitter and tweet:
"Enter to win #Louboutins c/o your free personal shopping assistant @ShopItToMe Threads! Just visit & RT

Just 2 days left to enter (click here for all the details)...hop to it ladies! (Your toes may thank you...) 


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO