
10 April 2013

Five Things

I have loved reading everyone's Five Things posts that have been all over the blogosphere, and I'm hopping on board! Without further ado:

Photo via

1. I talk to my mother everyday. I know that I can talk to her about anything, and she is always there for support and to cheer me on. Not to mention, she is a fabulous shopping buddy.

2. I agonize over Instagram. I have become obsessed with selecting the perfect filter, effects, and angle...even deciding whether a photo is worthy of being posted.

3. Husband and I are jetting to Greece in just one month. While Paris will always be my favorite spot in the world, I am beyond excited to island hop, dine overlooking the aqua ocean, and wear brightly colored maxis. Vacation is all about the ensemble, no?

4. Husband keeps a quote list of "Meesh-isms" (my nickname lovingly given to me by the mister). Every now and then, certain things come out of my mouth that are so brilliant (or silly) I shock even myself. The running list is growing daily.

5. Life is best celebrated with a glass of bubbly. But you already knew that was my mantra, oui? 


  1. so jealous of your greece adventure! can't wait to see pics!

    XO Meghan

  2. so JEALOUS you are going to Greece. Im dying to go will be amazing!

  3. GREECE!? Magnifique!!!

    (Totally doing this, thanks for the tag!)

  4. I talk to my mom everyday too...moms are the best! xx

  5. so jealous! can't wait to see pics! I talk to my mom everyday too!

  6. Greece!! fabulous! Lucky girl. I can not wait to see pics. :)


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