
07 May 2012

Shopping in Spain: Massimo Dutti

Husband and I are back from a romantic trip to Spain, and I cannot wait to share photos and stories of our adventures with you. Whenever we go away, shopping is inevitable and I usually buy one special treat to commemorate each trip (usually Louis Vuitton when in Paris). Husband kept asking me what I wanted in Spain leading up to our trip, but I insisted I didn't need anything. What designers are Spanish? Other than Balenciaga, I was at a loss...

Doing a little window shopping in Madrid, I discovered Massimo Dutti and fell in love. I came home with these two lovely jackets (I swear, I feel just like Coco Chanel when wearing them), and I adore their chic timelessness. 

all photos via

They are both a beautiful tweed with a little sparkle woven in... the pale pink jacket has leather trim detailing and both have zipper accents. Los amo!  Photos and trip details to come once I finally upload my chip and recover from this jet lag. 



  1. Welcome back! Love love love these jackets. They really are pure perfection. ;)

  2. Gorgi! I adore the pink jacket.

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

  3. Omg how fabulous is that pale pink jacket?! Omg I am obsessed. So adorable.

  4. Two things - love the pink jacket! Massimo Dutti is opening on Fifth Ave in NYC, by the way. Also, I've awarded your blog the Versatile Bloggers Award - check mine for details!

  5. Such pretty jackets! I love them both!


  6. They are gorgeous!! Cant wait to hear all about your trip- we've talked about going to Spain so many times. I am sure you had a wonderful time!

  7. Your jackets are gorgeous! Great find!


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