
27 April 2012

Hasta Luego!

Hola, amores! Today is the day that Husband and I are jetting to Spain, and I am over the moon. Here is our itinerary: 
3 days of tapas, museum-going, shopping, and sight-seeing in Madrid
4 days of exploring the old city of Sevilla, with lots of salsa dancing
1 day trip to the Algarve in Portugal and enjoying the beautiful drive along the coast
1 day in Trujillo, a quaint village outside of Madrid

Cannot wait to catch up with you all and share lots of photos and stories when we return! Besos! 


  1. Hope your trip is beyond wonderful!!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

  2. Have such a fabulous time! Can't wait to hear all about it. :)


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