
16 November 2011

Palaces fit for a Princess

Do you ever spend hours on, typing in $25,000,000 as your maximum budget and swooning over the homes mansions palaces that pop up? Anyone? Just me??? Well, here are some of the magnificent manors I stumbled upon in my search and have added to the list of "dream homes Husband and I will live in one day when we somehow become royals." 

Happy dreaming! 

Absolutely stunning from the outside... 

boasting gorgeous grounds and gardens... 

and amazing interiors with ballrooms and views to spare! 

Dreaming of the gowns and jewels I would don for the black tie benefits held in my very own ballroom... le sigh.  


  1. I'd settle for something smaller! It's less to clean. :)

  2. I have been doing to opp. of looking at palaces. I have been looking at garage apartments. Call me crazy but I really want my next move to be into a garage apartment.

  3. I like the idea of turrets. Especially with a hot tub on top. Now if it only had a moat!


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