
17 November 2011

Christmas Card Cheer

When I received the email that Shutterfly was running its Christmas Card blogging promotion again this year, I got my first little spark of holiday excitement! What design to choose this year? Which photo will win the coveted spot as the Champagne Christmas Card photo??? In case you don't remember, last year's card for our first married Christmas looked like this: 

For this year, I am thinking that our card simply MUST be pink & green... and perhaps with a photo from our first anniversary trip to Paris. Here are some of my favorite contestants: (insert photo of moi and the mister) 

Here's the fun part: the first 3 people to comment on this post will receive 25 free cards of your own! Simply leave your email address in your comment, and I will email your super-secret-special code to you! You can shop for Christmas cards, holiday cards, Christmas photo cards, and more. Spread the cheer and let Christmas card season begin! Fa la la! 


  1. I'd adore the opportunity to get my own Shutterfly cards; I used them last year and I'm a huge fan.

  2. I love the Merry & Bright card!!!

  3. i love the pink and green!

  4. Great post! I love all three of these! The last one is my very favorite but you can't go wrong with any of these. I started looking for our Christmas cards this week too...I love the holidays! Hope I win some from Shutterfly! ;)
    Sara @

  5. I think you should go with the first one because it can showcase one amazing picture from your trip!

  6. Hey sweet girl! Hope you're doing well! My oh my has it been a while since I've visited last! :( Love the card you used last year! Super cute!

    I just ordered ours for this year and I can't wait to share them on the blog after I send them out! :)


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO