
08 June 2011

Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, Holla Back!

Have you all seen the Tea Partay video? If not, you can watch it here so you don't think I've completely lost my mind with that post title. Tee hee.  

I thought it was perfectly fitting since today I want to share our photos from Memorial Day weekend, which we spent in Edgartown on the Vineyard and Nantucket.

We pulled into Edgartown Harbor on our boat Friday evening excited to kick off the long weekend.

We had a lovely view of the lighthouse as we walked into land.

I was delighted to be back in my favorite town on the Vineyard, admiring the gorgeous architecture and streets.

We had to stop at the Newes, one of our favorite spots for a light dinner.

... after a bellini at the Boathouse, of course!

In The Pink is one of my favorite spots, so Husband and I did a little window shopping.

The next morning, we enjoyed capuccino at the Harbor View while we waited for the fog to lift.

Not a bad spot to overlook the harbor and wait on the weather, oui?

By noon, we were off to Nantucket! I couldn't resist snapping a photo of the adorable dinghys on the beach.

This photo just screams "Happy Memorial Day from Nantucket!"

We did a little damage at In The Pink, and a spontaneous photo shoot with the Lilly Jeep may have occurred. (Still trying to persuade Husband to make this my daily commuting ride... I'll let you know if I make any progress.)  

We were waiting on the dock to cheer on our friends as they finished the regatta. (Does this sailboat look familiar to anyone from our wedding photos???)

The harbor was packed with masts galore.

Long strolls along the streets and shopping sprees are my fave.

And I knew the second we walked in that I had to share this pink and green bakery with my bloggie ladies!

Quintessentially Nantucket.

Cobblestone sidewalks, shops, and flower boxes make me smile.

A walk on the beach landed us at Brandt Point Lighthouse. I thought of you when I snapped this one, Erin! (Although your photo is still prettier!)

A lunch of lobster rolls and chowder at the White Elephant was the perfect end to our long weekend.

One last look at the elephant before heading back to our boat. Farewell, Nantucket! We'll see you soon!!! XOXO

Link up with the darling Daphne and celebrate Semi-Wordless Wednesday too!


  1. OMG I was just going through your post thinking about how lovely you have arranged all of these pictures when I saw my shout out! Woohoo!
    It looks like you had an incredible time...thanks for sharing it with us! xx

  2. I have never been to the NE, but your pictures make me want to add it to my list of places to visit!

  3. Sigh... lucky you! I've got to get back to Nantucket, asap!! Your photos are gorgeous! Every single one!

  4. Such an amazing trip! I really would love to go to that bakery. It is calling my name! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Ahh, we are going to the Vineyard for Labor Day and have never been! We are staying in Edgartown and would love to hear your favorite places to eat and things to do!!! :)

  6. Gorgeous--between this post and the Elin Hildebrand book I've been reading I'm itching to visit Nantucket!

  7. oh my it is gorgeous there! that is definetely on my bucket list! stopping by from flip flops and pearls!

  8. I have never been to Martha's Vineyard but after looking at these pictures, I want to take a trip up there.

    It is beautiful and my kind of place.

    Thank you for the idea!

  9. What pretty pictures! I want to go there!
    (stopping by from flip flops & pearls)

  10. Looks like a fabulous time. I have always wanted to go, I am begging the hubby to go this summer - so I am trying to plan the trip. Any hotel suggestions?


  11. What gorgeous pictures! It looks like you had a fabulous weekend. :)

  12. Wow, looks like you had a really great time! Love all these pics...


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO