
12 April 2011

"Tootle Around Town"

in serious style with Kate Spade and Adeline Adeline.

Have you seen the beautiful bicycle created by Deborah Lloyd and Adeline Adeline? I can just imagine husband and I riding to the wharf on our bicycles (with the lovely music from the video playing and me in that gorgous KS number of course... tee hee.)
Here are all the juicy details:

Kate Spade creative director Deborah Lloyd is the first to admit that she's "a fair-weather bike rider," preferring leisurely rides to the Brooklyn Flea over harrowing rush-hour commutes. Hello, soul sister!!! It's fitting, then, that she chose to collaborate with Adeline Adeline, a downtown boutique that stocks vintage-style bikes created by graphic designer Julie Hirschfeld. She calls them "beautifully crafted bikes for tootling around town. We wanted a bike that was comfortable and lightweight and that you could wear a dress and high heels on." How perfect!

A few fun facts:
-Don't want to mess your do in the name of bicycle safety? A chic little hat to put over your helmet is still in the works... leave it to Kate Spade to create chic headwear.
-Deborah loves fresh flowers, always picking up big bunches of flowers wherever she can. "A bike basket filled with flowers is one of my favorite sites to see in the springtime in New York", she says.
Happy riding!


  1. Can't wait to dust off my bicycle. Now's the time to get some riding in before it gets too hot.

  2. i would love one of these...or the lilly bike!!

  3. A bike has been on my wish list since I saw the Liberty of London (and then of course the Lilly one) last year. I can't wait to see what KS does for helmets!

  4. I love that bike...what a sweet pretty shade of green!

  5. On a comfortable sunny summer day this bike is just perfect! :)

  6. Love these beautiful. I don't ride but would totally get this bike and display it in my living room!


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