
13 April 2011

Semi-Wordless Wednesday: Royal Edition

Have you heard the news (or more importantly, seen the trailer?!)? William and Kate: The Movie is being released in the UK on 25 April (how do you like that British date?) to celebrate the upcoming royal nuptials. As I celebrate this Semi-Wordless Wednesday with the darling Daphne of Flip Flops and Pearls, I thought I would let the trailer and the gorgeous photos to follow do all the talking for me...

William and Kate Trailer from Revolver Entertainment on Vimeo

Covered in goosebumps! My mission is to find this movie on American DVD..... wish me luck! (Or if you have any inside info, please do share!) Until then, let's drool over a few movie moments captured in photos.

Can I get a BIG le sigh? Link up and play along, pretty please! XOXO


  1. Awe, thanks for the shout out and for linking up AND back to me:)

    I think she is just so flippin beautiful!

  2. Gotta be honest...I'm not sure I'm ready for this movie :( I ADORE Wills & Kate, obvi. But...perhaps something like this would be more timely on their 10th wedding anniversary or something? I don't know. I guess I just feel like they make a movie about everything anymore.

    Sorry to be a sour puss :(

  3. looks like a must-see to get us in the mood for THE WEDDING!
    ahhhh, to be on the royal guest list....

  4. ohhhh i am SO intrigued by the Royal Wedding! I cannot wait to tune in SO SOON and see what gorgeous designer Kate went with!

  5. if you find it, let me know! i'd love to watch too!

  6. Let us know if you find it. Interesting.

    Can't wait for the royal wedding. I remember Di's like it was yesterday. Slept over at a friend's house and a bunch of us watched it together. Good lord, where does the time go?



Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO