
18 April 2011

Spring Weekend

Husband and I had the most lovely Spring weekend! Does anyone else wish it were still the weekend? The sun finally poked through the clouds and we enjoyed some beautiful weather here in New England. It was so nice yesterday, in fact, that we went for a long walk to the beach and then went for a bike ride in the afternoon. I was so excited to try out my new bicycle that I insisted!

In actuality, this is my mother's old bicycle that we gave a little facelift... Husband painted it PINK for me and the seat is a floral fabric of pink and white! I'm just smitten.

On Saturday, we spent the day in one of our favorite spots on the Cape... open-house hopping, shopping in the adorable town center (it was the opening day of In The Pink - the summer season is upon us!), and enjoying lunch, wine, and dessert at Chatham Bars Inn.

In The Pink (our local Lilly store)

Adorable pink and green awnings.

And just one more for good measure!

Happy Monday to each one of you! XOXO


  1. How lovely. Sounds like the perfect weekend.

    I just love your bicycle. How adorable!

    Your Lilly store is so cute. Very quaint! :)

    Have a great day!

  2. How cute! Love your bike! Have a fabulous Monday love! Kori xoxo

  3. What a WONDERFUL weekend! I love the photos you posted - so picture-esque! Have a wonderful start to your work week! :)

  4. I want a pink bike! That is fantastic.

    Michelle ;)

    Come check out my Diane Von Furstenberg Giveaway! It end this week.

  5. Adorable pictures! So glad you had a fabulous weekend and got to debut your bike. :)

  6. All I can say is YaaaaY!
    How fun for you and husband!
    L~O~V~E the upcycled bike!
    How green and pink, tee hee!

    Mrs. Kindergarten

  7. Your weekend sounds like heaven!!!! I would love to make it up your way and spend a day just like this!

  8. What a lovely weekend! I'm loving your bike (it's making me re-think my sportier bike..), that floral seat is too cute!


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO