
15 April 2011

Fashion Friday: Coral

TGIF! The weekend is looming just hours away, Husband and I are meeting with our photographer tomorrow to design our wedding album, and we are celebrating FASHION here in blogland! Life is good. You're invited to share your favorite fashions too by linking up with Kori - the darling lady behind Blonde Episodes.

Do you know what color I have been obsessing over lately? Coral! My nails and toes are painted a lovely shade of coral and it is the perfect time of year to drape the gorgeous coral necklace Husband gave me around my neck. Are you ready to swoon???

all photos via

So soft, romantic, and cheerful...the perfect hue for Spring into Summer! Wishing you a weekend filled with delightful treats and relaxing leisure. XOXO


  1. I'm so in love with coral also...I'm loving that bike! OMG! Thanks for linking up today sweet girl..the link is up so make sure to add your thumbnail! Have a great Friday. Kori xoxo

  2. Ahh, Coral is my favorite -- love these pictures!

  3. I love coral too! Its so bright and cheerful.
    BTW, the shoe pic you posted of the ruffly shoe (3rd up from the bottom) are the same shoes my friend Dana wore in her wedding. I posted her wedding a few weeks ago on my blog. Not sure if you saw it but those shoes were to die for.

  4. These days I am loving EVERYTHING Coral. It's such a fun nails are coral this week too! :)

  5. coral is probably my favorite nail color in the summer! and i'm loving ALL of your picks!

  6. Loving the coral! Love it w/ turquoise most of all!

  7. Absolutely delightfull photos and I love the music....really got me going today!!!

  8. I too am loving coral! I just left my manicruist where I insisted on coral polish for my pedi - I love it!

  9. I love the bathing suit in the 3rd photo, where did you find it?

  10. would LOVE to pick up some coral accessories this season -- i love it with white and turquoise! i really like the bikini -- but im afraid my skintone does not favor the color -- so accessorize, i must!

  11. absolutely fantastic post! love the strappy dress and nail polishes!

  12. Gorgeous!
    Oh my, I do believe the word is smitten!
    Great Friday post.

    Mrs. Kindergarten

  13. What I wouldn't give for that beautiful coral bikini. Love it!

    Hope you're having a nice weekend!

  14. omg these are all gorgeous!
    Love your blog! Following you now :)

  15. aren't you just adoring coral! All these pictures are absolutely stunning!



Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO