
29 April 2011

You may now kiss the PRINCESS!

Rise and shine, lovely ladies! It's 4AM here on the East Coast, and I am decked out in my own bridal jewels and ready to attend the wedding of a lifetime from the comfort of my own home. Today is the blessed day on which William and Kate will say I do, and Kate will become a Mrs. and a PRINCESS! I cannot wait to swoon over each and every detail and of course to finally see THE DRESS! The long-awaited day has finally arrived, so let's enjoy while sipping our tea and nibbling on our scones.

Sending love and congratulations to the Prince and Princess from Pink Champagne! XOXO

(Actually, these warm wishes are coming from Lady Vivienne Goldie-Brook! What is YOUR Royal Wedding guest name? Start with either Lord or Lady. Your first name is your maternal grandmother/grandfather's first name. Your hyphenated surname is the name of your first pet, double barrelled with the street you grew up on. Play along, pretty please!)

Post-wedding update: SWOON! Kate was the epitome of the princess bride - classic, elegant, and gorgeous. And that LACE? Le sigh.


28 April 2011

A Dress for a Princess!

Perhaps the aspect of the royal wedding that I am most excited about is THE DRESS. Do you all remember how much I obsessed and swooned over my own wedding dress, ladies? The dress is a BIG deal to this lady. And this dress? This is a wedding dress fit for a princess, and I cannot wait to see the gorgeous gown Kate makes her debut as a Princess in!

There has been a great air of mystery around the dress, who the designer is, and what silhouette it will be. More mystery = even more anticipation!

Will her gown have touches reminiscent of Diana's stunning dress with a long train and pouf galore?

Or maybe she will channel Grace Kelly's classic elegance in lace?

Perhaps a more modern take a la the fit-for-a-Princess stunning lace Vera Wang worn by Ivanka Trump...

all photos via

The time is almost here... I am getting positively giddy in excitement! XOXO

27 April 2011

Hats Off to Kate: Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wednesday! You all KNOW I have lots to say about the upcoming wedding of the Prince and Princess-to-be... but in playing along with the lovely Daphne's rules of Semi-Wordless Wednesday, let's reminisce about (and swoon over) Kate's fashions and HATS over the years in photos. Play along too, pretty please!


HATS OFF to you, Miss Middleton! Only two more days as a single lady! XO

26 April 2011

Week of William & Kate

It's this week, it's this week! You all know what I'm referring to ladies... William and Kate are tying the knot this week! My dear friend, fellow Anglophile, co-worker, fellow Lilly lover, and gym buddy the pink prep and I have decided that this week will be ALL about the wedding. (You would not believe the giddy chatter that goes one between the two of us everytime the royal wedding is mentioned... and quite frequently, believe me.) If I were in London, this royal wedding map would assure that I was in the perfect position to spot the happy couple and most important DRESS!

Stay tuned the rest of the week for much more princess fairy-tale wedding gushing! XOXO

24 April 2011

Happy Easter!

Wishing the happiest of Easters from Husband and me to each one of YOU! We are off to Church, Easter egg hunts, brunches, and family celebrations.

22 April 2011

Fashion Friday: KS Greens!

Happy Fashion Friday, happy Earth Day, and happy start of Easter weekend! So many things to celebrate today! It's a super-busy day today, so let's get right down to business... Kate Spade does green right for Earth Day, oui? Heck, Kate Spade does EVERYTHING right in my book. Enjoy!


all images via

Please join in the fun, celebrate fashion, and link up with Kori at Blonde Episodes for Fashion Friday!


21 April 2011

Pink & Green Thursday: Easter Edition

Happy Thursday my loves! This week, I am bringing you Pink & Green Thursday over at my dear friend Trishy's. Be sure to visit where I will be hostessing this weekly blogland holiday and celebrating the other holiday that is just a few days away: Easter! Double the celebration, double the fun.

Here is a little sneak peek of the treats you will find...

Don't forget to visit the darling Trish, link up, and play along with us! Hugs and kisses and a very happy Easter to each of you and your loved ones!