
27 April 2011

Hats Off to Kate: Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wednesday! You all KNOW I have lots to say about the upcoming wedding of the Prince and Princess-to-be... but in playing along with the lovely Daphne's rules of Semi-Wordless Wednesday, let's reminisce about (and swoon over) Kate's fashions and HATS over the years in photos. Play along too, pretty please!


HATS OFF to you, Miss Middleton! Only two more days as a single lady! XO


  1. Seriously. KATE IS PERFECT! I love everything about her! I couldn't be more excited about this wedding because 1) I've always been fond of William and Harry and 2) because I'm so intrigued, inspired and obsessed with Kate!!!!!! SWOON SWOON SWOON!

  2. LOVE this post! Her hats are always so stylish.

  3. so posh! that girl can rock a hat....i am especially fond of anything with feathers! i love all the shows now that are featuring "steal kate's look for less" -- a new fashion icon has emerged!
    and i heard that whatever style dress she chooses will set the standard of wedding dresses for the decade! trés exciting!!!

  4. Very interesting hats. She can totally pull them off!

    Hope your day is going well! :)

    Not quite sure about my Lilly coat. You have such great fashion sense. What do you think about 3/4 inch sleeves on a coat? For some reason, they look weird to me. Almost unfinished (perhaps if they were cuffed or something). I just don't know.

  5. Seriously jealous of her hats! And her whole wardrobe :) I can't wait to see her wedding dress. It's going to be perfection, I know it :)

  6. I love her style...those hats are too fun!

    Thanks for voting for me in the S&B contest! xx

  7. She is nothing short of beautiful & classy!!

    Beautiful post, thanks for playing along sweetie!


  8. I would love to have that fur hat from the first picture--it's so glamorous!

  9. She is so awesome, I love her style- so classy. I can't wait to see what she's wearing on friday!


  10. I am SO excited- I cannot wait! She pulls off hats beautifully!

  11. ahhhh LOVE her and all of her hats. looking forward to royal wedding tomorrow!


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