
10 March 2011

Irish Pinks & Greens

It's that time again...Happy Pink & Green Thursday! As always, you are invited to celebrate with our gorgeous host Trishy - just link up and share your favorite pinks and greens of the week.
Now, we all know Ireland is famous for its sprawling green landscapes galore, but I was tickled pink to discover all the PINK in this beautiful country too! Here is a collection of my preppy-inspired photos from our trip:
Remember the private club in Dublin I mentioned, Lillie's? Well, not only was the name perfect, but the decor was deep pinks and greens... it's no wonder we were drawn to it!
We stopped in Athlone for lunch on our cross-country drive, and the buildings in town were just adorable - look at this side by side pink and green pair!
Adorable shops in Galway...
...and in Connemara!
Ashford Boathouse at the castle... I'm saving the rest of the castle pictures for a special post of their own - you are in for a treat!
I instantly fell head over heels for this door... this MIGHT have to be the color of our front door soon. Tee hee.
The pinks and greens hanging in my closet for fine dining in the castle...
And last but not least, look what was in the airport as one last European treat!
Of course, Husband and I had to indulge... delish!
Wishing you all the most wonderful of Thursdays... almost Friday, my dears!


  1. how perfect in keeping with your irish theme week and as a preview to st patty's! :-)
    LOVE lillie's bar and décor -- does it get any better??!?

  2. such beautiful images -- love especially that gorgeous pink door!!!

  3. That door would be perfect anywhere! Love love love all your pictures. :)

  4. It's a Pink & Green Travelogue!! How awesome is to notice the pink and green in everyday life.

  5. Thanks so much for stopping over at my blog and your sweet post!
    Love these pics from your trip, especially that front door! XO
    Vineyard Loveknots

  6. I LOVE that pink door... and of course the Laduree macaroons!


  7. Enjoyed reading your posts on Ireland. It is truly one of the places that has mysterious and beautiful landscapes. I bet there really are leprechauns there!

  8. I LOVE that pink door! And the bar of course! Would love to check that out!

  9. I love all the pink you found in Ireland.


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO