
09 March 2011

Adventures in Ireland: Galway

Good morning, lovelies! To continue our travel recap, Husband and I drove (clarification... Husband drove...on the left side of the road... right-hand drive... standard shift... at 120km/h... eek!) to the west coast to spend our next two days and nights in Galway. Our first stop: the Cliffs of Moher.
It was a hazy day, but the views were still breathtaking.
And it was win-dy way up top!
Here is the adorable stone B&B we stayed at in Salthill, where we would walk into Galway each day for some serious shopping and pub-hopping!
On Galway Bay with the clouds rolling in... I adored those colorful houses!
Eyre Square
Early signs of Spring
Gorgeous old churches and waterways
Pretty shops in Connemara... we need more pink buildings in America, don't you agree?!?
The gourmet restaurant on the bay with the most delicious seafood!
One of the many beautiful castles spotted... a little foreshadowing our the fairytale castle to come...
PS - Today marks the beginning of Lent, and this lady is kissing white bread goodbye... can I do it?! Wishing you all a wonderful day! XO


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO