
01 March 2011

Giveaway (Deux)!

Top 'o the morning to you, ladies! Husband and I are home from an incredible trip to Ireland, and I just have SO much to share with all of you! (After I dig myself out from the piles at work and catch up...)

I have decided to extend my giveaway one extra day since I have not been around for a week, so hurry up and enter here if you haven't yet! A free Lilly scarf just for you...tres fab, oui? You now have until midnight tonight and I will select a winner tomorrow.
I am so excited to catch up with all of you and see what I have missed in blogland while on the other side of the pond. Big kisses!


  1. welcome home, my little irish friend!
    cannot wait to hear all about the emerald isle and your adventures!

  2. Welcome back! That's so exciting that you two went to Ireland. I'd love to enter the giveaway. I left blogland for a little while and missed so much!

  3. Glad y'all had fun and made it home safely.

  4. Welcome home!!! I cannot wait to hear all about it, and see pictures :)


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO