
25 February 2011

Ashford Castle

Today we are heading to Ashford Castle, the grand Guinness family castle dating back to 1228. We are staying here for two days of fine dining, horseback riding, and living like royalty. If you want a full tour of the castle, you can have an inside look here.
Fun fact: Grace Kelly and Jackie O have both stayed at the castle and called it a favorite. I have a sneaky feeling it will become a favorite of mine too!


  1. OMG...that looks majestic! Have a wonderful time and report back with pictures! xx

  2. This castle comes up in ads on CNN all the time. It's too funny. One time I was showing my students something and it came up and they were in awe. Have a great time.

  3. how gorgeous!!! glad you are having a wonderful time.

  4. How fun! Can't wait to see your pics. We stayed in a castle twice, but in England both times. They're so neat, slightly eerie, but definitely a cool experience!

  5. Good morning from Tokyo!

    What a lovely trip you and your husband must be taking! Enjoy your jaunt across the pond~I look forward to seeing pictures from your adventures.

    My best to you and yours...




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