
02 June 2014

Fashion Show (& a Giveaway)

Happy June, y'all! I cannot believe that June is here and that we have just one week left as Southerners. We will be back up in Massachusetts before we know it, and I am so excited to announce that Pink Bubbly will be participating in a fun fashion show!

Attendees will enjoy being pampered with mini-services from Stephen & Co. in the Style Lounge, see the latest summer fashion from local boutiques featured in a runway show, and have the opportunity to shop and pamper! Did I mention the first 50 tickets purchased will receive a complimentary gift bag, and a portion of the proceeds benefit charity? Get all the details here.

Are you in the area and dying to attend? It's your lucky day...I'm giving away tickets to two lucky ladies! Enter to win below, spread the word to your friends with #sbtsummerfashion, and I cannot wait to meet you on the 27th! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Fancy another glass of pink champagne? Follow along on FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestBloglovin
Pop the bubbly! Shop, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram


  1. My last week as a Southerner before moving to Southern California was terribly sad... I can't wait to go back!! Wish I could attend the fashion show!

    Jessie at

  2. I would definitely wear the "Bloom Earrings"! They're the perfect statement earrings.
    I love your blog! I just stumbled upon it and it is lovely!

    xoxo, Sydney

  3. I love the bloom earrings as well!!!!


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO